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Fixing the Tech

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Anyone here play Evolve?


There are 2 medic characters, who's mechanics I feel would fit right into Hawken.


Let's start with "Slim", and how he functions:


He has a leechgun shotgun, he needs to fire it constantly, and mostly at close range to use it effectively. The "leeching" aspect is that every time it hits an enemy target, it converts a % of that damage into fueling an AoE healing burst. This forces him to be a frontliner, playing aggressively in order to keep the team alive. He's essentially useless if he just hides behind cover or teammates constantly.


His heal burst does not heal much. It can take 4-5 just to refill even a third of a teammate's health. As previously stated, this character requires constant active participation in fights. Possibly less relevant, he also has a deployable "healing bug" that basically travels to a teammate and hovers over them, supplying constant health like a Technician would. The catch here though, is that as soon as that teammate takes any damage, the bug is destroyed. It can only be used as an out-of-combat heal.


Now let's move onto "Caira".


She has a grenade launcher with 2 modes: Napalm Grenades and Healing Grenades. These are somewhat slow projectiles that travel in an arc, detonating in a small AoE on impact with terrain or teammates. The Napalm do little direct-hit damage, and apply a short DoT by setting the opponent on fire. The healing grenades heal for small amounts, requiring her to fire constantly and accurately in order to heal a teammate. The gun has a very small magazine, holding only 4 grenades of either type, and a somewhat lengthy reload time. Every shot counts.


Now here's what I'm thinking:


Redesign the technician to utilize Slim's damage=healing mechanic in order to fill up your secondary, and Caira's grenade format to actually output the healing. I feel like this would put the Technician in a more active role on the battlefield, while simultaneously increasing the amount of skill required to use it. The beam needs to go.




Oh and here are some videos showing the characters:


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Sorry Kittles,


your ideas are just wrong, because it dosn't need more skill as the technician this way would be just nothing else then trash. Every other mech would be much stronger, even if you just use the Secondary weapon ONLY and nothing else, you could even use only a rocketeer and his hellfires and that mech would be much more helpful in every match unlike your idea of a technician. 


The technician needs to be adressed and i would like a completly redesign of it, or make 2 more support cls mechs with different weapons and abilitys to make the game more fun and tactical, but don't suggest some idead, that make that support class beyond.....


I would like the idead of a healking mech, that needs to shoot healing grenades and as ability a healing drone that supports a mech that supress the enemy, so you can stand out of trouble and use that splash heal wise. With that you have to choose who and when is getting that drone, skills to shoot precisely to heal someone, even in the heat of a fight AND it would be nice if that Healing Grenade would even heal the enemy, if i do something wrong and i want to see that in static as well (healing XY Friend or Enemy).


The other mech could be a mech that can "mark" enemy with drones he cant kill, so every teammate can see that guy on the radar even if he is no visible, ability to give someone a moving shield that can eat 300 dmg and as secondary a weapon that can slow down enemy mechs for a short duration by hit like -30% movementspeed for 5 seconds, i don't know.


I want some more support cls mechs, where you really need much skills to make good decision who u are helping, how and how you can stay alive but be helpful for your team to be more stronger in the field or make pushing happens, even if the enemy have a technician behind them healing the team.


What we dont need is a technician that is redesign beyond even trash.


Galaxy Radio



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He has a leechgun shotgun, he needs to fire it constantly, and mostly at close range to use it effectively. The "leeching" aspect is that every time it hits an enemy target, it converts a % of that damage into fueling an AoE healing burst. This forces him to be a frontliner, playing aggressively in order to keep the team alive. He's essentially useless if he just hides behind cover or teammates constantly.






I suggested something like this earlier in the thread, which was inspired from Warhammer Online's Warrior Priest. WP had to be dealing damage in order to build Righteous Fury, which was fuel for healing abilities. It built slowly outside of combat but if you were actively smashing heads, you'd be more effective as a healer as well.


The Technician shouldn't be totally useless outside of combat, but an incentive to be more active on the battlefield would fit Hawken more in my opinion than just being a sticky healbot confined to watch someone's metal buttocks all day long.



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Sorry Kittles,


your ideas are just wrong, because it dosn't need more skill as the technician this way would be just nothing else then trash.


Explain. In detail.



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We all know what happens, if a technician is trying to kill someone. As i said, if you redesign the technician to this, it will become useless, so you can even delete it, because no one would touch it ever again. Every other mech will kill the tech, if both are even in term of skills. If the technician has to go aggro, it needs more armor and much more firepower, because coverplay is impossible with that mech, this way its is more like G2 Assault and even THAT mech is pretty much useless with much more armor then technician.


You guys are not talking about redesign, more about make the technician useless, so no one cares to play it anymore.


We need a redesign yes, but we need also more tactical/support mechs with nice gimmicks to help a team. This could be really nice on bigger maps with more mechs in play like 9 VS 9 or 12 VS 12. 


Its pretty much boring to me, if all player are just playing an agressive role and just shoots. 



Explain. In detail.



I did already.


Galaxy Radio

Edited by GalaxyRadio, 25 April 2015 - 05:41 AM.



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We all know what happens, if a technician is trying to kill someone. As i said, if you redesign the technician to this, it will become useless, so you can even delete it, because no one would touch it ever again. Every other mech will kill the tech, if both are even in term of skills. If the technician has to go aggro, it needs more armor and much more firepower, because coverplay is impossible with that mech, this way its is more like G2 Assault and even THAT mech is pretty much useless with much more armor then technician.


You guys are not talking about redesign, more about make the technician useless, so no one cares to play it anymore.


We need a redesign yes, but we need also more tactical/support mechs with nice gimmicks to help a team. This could be really nice on bigger maps with more mechs in play like 9 VS 9 or 12 VS 12. 


Its pretty much boring to me, if all player are just playing an agressive role and just shoots. 




I did already.


Galaxy Radio


Okay, so basically what happened is that you made an assumption that the health values and damage output of the Technician wouldn't change, despite an entire rework of the mechanics. Doesn't that seem a bit ridiculous to you? I didn't think it was necessary to point out that statistical changes need to be made when you're reworking how something functions.


FYI, saying "You're wrong" and providing nothing to support that claim isn't "explaining". It's even more insulting that you wrote your explanation after I asked for it, and then responded with a snarky "I did already".


Anyway, I'm not one for extended arguing, so now that I've said my piece I'll leave it to the rest of the community if they so desire to chime in.

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I would like the idead of a healking mech, that needs to shoot healing grenades and as ability a healing drone that supports a mech that supress the enemy, so you can stand out of trouble and use that splash heal wise. With that you have to choose who and when is getting that drone, skills to shoot precisely to heal someone, even in the heat of a fight AND it would be nice if that Healing Grenade would even heal the enemy, if i do something wrong and i want to see that in static as well (healing XY Friend or Enemy).


Did you not read the entry for Caira.



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I have a better idea for the tech. Rather than redesigning it's core mechanics, let's limit the items it has access to. No detenators or H.E charges. In fact. Give it only orbs, shields, blockades, and scanners. You know... support items. Same with internals. Only AC, plating, fuel converter, shock coil and armor fuser. You know. Survivability.

Change how it earns points. Stop giving it assists if it didn't do damage. I promise that with that one change alone, it won't be looked at as OP bevause it won't top charts as often. The purpose of the sticky beam is so it can heal and do damage at the same time. If that's the case then why give it assists just for healing. It runs juxtaposed to the reason it exists. Maybe narrow up the beam in healing mode. Maybe. After we see how the assist thing goes.

Edited by SaturdayGhede, 25 April 2015 - 08:55 AM.

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THE TECH ISN'T EVEN THAT GOOD! If you can't deal with tech, you're probably just bad at aiming. It has just as many downsides as it does upsides. I can understand if people don't like the concept, but don't call it overpowered. It has the lowest health pool in the whole game. It doesn't need to be nerfed. Changed, maybe, but not nerfed. 

Yes agreed that the tech has a low health pool but try playing against one while you have a 200-300 ping, burst weapons and about 200 health remaining.. Honestly i prefer meeting any c class than a tech like that :)

And i'm sorry if this has been discussed above, i didn't read the previous posts (yet)

This ^_^ 

I agree with the desire to be able to see the actual ping time to each server.  I have it high on my list of things to address when we start releasing new client builds.  That would be a much better solution.

Hobbes Videos are really good to get a taste of each mechs playstyle - https://community.pl...awken-handbook/
Index of all the Hawken guides - https://community.pl...-guides-hawken/



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I have a better idea for the tech. Rather than redesigning it's core mechanics, let's limit the items it has access to. No detenators or H.E charges. In fact. Give it only orbs, shields, blockades, and scanners. You know... support items. Same with internals. Only AC, plating, fuel converter, shock coil and armor fuser. You know. Survivability. Change how it earns points. Stop giving it assists if it didn't do damage. I promise that with that one change alone, it won't be looked at as OP bevause it won't top charts as often. The purpose of the sticky beam is so it can heal and do damage at the same time. If that's the case then why give it assists just for healing. It runs juxtaposed to the reason it exists. Maybe narrow up the beam in healing mode. Maybe. After we see how the assist thing goes.

If you have to impose arbitrary limits on otherwise universal items, then you're just treating the symptoms, not the problem.
And if you do that, it means you're fixing the problem in a way that is unhealthy for gameplay.

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If you have to impose arbitrary limits on otherwise universal items, then you're just treating the symptoms, not the problem.
And if you do that, it means you're fixing the problem in a way that is unhealthy for gameplay.

The point wasn't really about the item changes. It was about changing how it earns points and maybe narrowing the beam a bit. As far as items go, I do think all mechs should only be able to use certain items, but that's just me.

Edited initial post for clarity.

Edited by SaturdayGhede, 25 April 2015 - 08:58 AM.

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The point wasn't really about the item changes. It was about changing how it earns points and maybe narrowing the beam a bit. As far as items go, I do think all mechs should only be able to use certain items, but that's just me.

Edited initial post for clarity.

Point gain is really a very, very, very minor problem though.


While it's not like I'm fond of the days when Techs could get 1st place within a minute just by healing and end up thousands of points ahead, that's really not the issue most people have with the Tech.

It's the mechanics.



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... I repeat all my previous posts...

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I'd like tech to be a little less 'supporty'.

1) Make the PN-223 a bit more burst frontload and reduce the bloom from constant firing

2) Improve the Vamp beam so this mech can stand better on its own.

3) Reduce the team heals the helix can provide on yellow beam, leave amplify as is.

4) Reduce the support points it gets from kills made by the mechs it is healing.


I like support classes, but I shouldn't have to hide and wait for opportunities to support or chain myself to a C.

There needs to be some encouragement to contribute some kills and not just with heals.



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I'd like tech to be a little less 'supporty'.
1) Make the PN-223 a bit more burst frontload and reduce the bloom from constant firing
2) Improve the Vamp beam so this mech can stand better on its own.
3) Reduce the team heals the helix can provide on yellow beam, leave amplify as is.
4) Reduce the support points it gets from kills made by the mechs it is healing.

I like support classes, but I shouldn't have to hide and wait for opportunities to support or chain myself to a C.
There needs to be some encouragement to contribute some kills and not just with heals.

That's the thing though. You can support DPS with it. In fact, you're supposed to. Simply removing assists from healing all together would encourage it.

I never just latch myself to anything. My job is to be johnny on the spot with health. I'm not going to green beam a suicidal C class because he wants to chase a half dead raider through 5 other guys. I'm not going to beam a guy when he's nearly at full hp and his enemy is at half. I'm going to hit the guy. I'm there to support. Not fuck mook points. Unfortunately the assist system encourages all of that. Bad Techs play that way. Good Techs support.

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Tech is supposed to be support... Every one is complaining that the incin is not support egnof and too much offence ...

Now everyone wants tech to be less support??? Wow...

Tech is good how it is!


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i said "a little less".

i like the tech mostly, but the prestige needs work, and many other players would welcome a slight heal nerf.

i think these are well within the realm of balancing as opposed to suggesting radical redesigns.





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Remind me: what is this discussion about again?


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Remind me: what is this discussion about again?

At this point it's people who are suggesting ways to give the Tech deeper, more complex gameplay, vs people who think being a TF2 Medic clone is the only way the Tech can do it's job.

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Maybe I'm in the minority here but I think the Tech is actually pretty well balanced. I for one know I rock some times closely followed by scratching the paint and exploding thrice over. And it's not like it's impossible to beat the mech I'm healing. (aside: I want a secondary (see actual mech customization) that heals/cools instead of heals/drains)



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At this point it's people who are suggesting ways to give the Tech deeper, more complex gameplay, vs people who think being a TF2 Medic clone is the only way the Tech can do it's job.

That's a gross misrepresentation of the arguments at hand.  It's a group of people who are mad cause they're bad and can't kill Techs and claim they are over powered vs people who understand the finer points of Tech piloting as a truly skill based affair above 1700 mmr and wish it to stay the way it is.  Cause it's just danged fun.

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Lol .... Kinda hurt tho T.T I consider myself as a REAL good tech pilot .... My MMR is 1600 T.T

MMR is confusing.... Lol it goes up and down up Dan down... XD

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That's a gross misrepresentation of the arguments at hand.  It's a group of people who are mad cause they're bad and can't kill Techs and claim they are over powered vs people who understand the finer points of Tech piloting as a truly skill based affair above 1700 mmr and wish it to stay the way it is.  Cause it's just danged fun.

From what I saw of your play the other day, you clearly don't understand the finer points of Teching.

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 Just kill the Little paper doll , I think you people are way over thinking this. Healing classes are always hated. Unless you are being healed. I like the tech I do not play him that much but he is one of the mechs that I can reverse a death-ball with he has some serious draw backs. As for the incinerator / vanguard / brawler  synergy with tech I say leave it. I want to see more team based synergy's with mecks not less .Reward people for playing as a team. And  do not nerf things because thy are good.


Just add new mechs that counter balances this.   How about a anti- technician an a class mech that  that debuffs healing from the tech. slowing the rate at which repairs  from the  technician   for a short time. Make him burst damage give him a sniper rifle with nanites in the bullets that slow rate of healing from the touch for a short time.  Also give the rifle a flip  giving him the ablity to reduce damage for a short time on teammates he hits. You know the total opposite what the helix repair torch does.


    I do not know but think of something more original than.   I hate the tech he is the most op paper doll in the game I hate his weapons.


   When I play the tech and pred I get ten times  the agro for other players than any other mechs. pred I can deal with.  I got dam good at all kind of defensive double back cloaking  tricks and ways to just plan vanish and blend it. The tech none of that fuzzy bunny he is a two hit bucket .... so I am asking you to design  a mech to counter the tech. You dont like my idea fine come up with something better thought of this is like 2 minuets of the top of my head I am sure you can do better


Be creative add something that makes the game better not just nerf buff nerf buff. HOw FU%$EN boring and unoriginal.    Be better than that adapt new ideas and seriously make something that counters your most hated mech.

Edited by Source_Mystic, 28 April 2015 - 08:57 AM.

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 Just kill the Little paper doll , I think you people are way over thinking this.

If you can "just kill the tech", then the Tech isn't very good, or their team isn't utilizing a Tech very well. You do not argue something is balanced based on someone else's incompetence.



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From what I saw of your play the other day, you clearly don't understand the finer points of Teching.

You mean in the stacked 3v2 we had?

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You mean in the stacked 3v2 we had?

I mean the points where it was 1v2 (your favor) and you did things like walk out of cover right in front of where I was standing. I literally did not have to aim several secondaries simply because you placed yourself right in my crosshairs.



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I mean the points where it was 1v2 (your favor) and you did things like walk out of cover right in front of where I was standing. I literally did not have to aim several secondaries simply because you placed yourself right in my crosshairs.



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If you're gonna start insulting pilots and criticizing their play leave it out of the thread and take it to the PM's.


Let's get back to the point and discuss why or why not you can just shoot the tech and give some constructive criticism. That counts for the both of you, either in claiming the other pilots are less skilled than others, an elitist opinion, and for claiming someone is not skilled enough through a single encounter.

Edited by (KDR) Dr_Freeze001, 28 April 2015 - 11:46 AM.


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If you're gonna start insulting pilots and criticizing their play leave it out of the thread and take it to the PM's.

If they're going to bring up their skill as a valid point of defense for their arguments, they make themselves fair game.



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I mean the points where it was 1v2 (your favor) and you did things like walk out of cover right in front of where I was standing. I literally did not have to aim several secondaries simply because you placed yourself right in my crosshairs.

This is actually false.  You had stayed off of my radar and snuck up behind me or I had come out of cover because you weren't on my radar and then tried to run, but no, that's okay.  Also, sometimes, if you're any good as a Tech, you'll sacrifice yourself for the guy you are healing.  I suppose that's relative though.

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This is actually false.  You had stayed off of my radar and snuck up behind me or I had come out of cover because you weren't on my radar and then tried to run, but no, that's okay. 

Two engagements stood out to me.




1. S2 AA


The only point where I would have dropped off radar, I was positioned right in front of the AA (green dot) with both you and the Bruiser you were healing (red dots) positioned behind the front wall.


There were only 2 angles I could immediately attack from (going over the AA would trigger radar and be too slow).


You backed out into the position the orange dot is in while still on radar from your last dodge/boost, so I strafed left and found you backing right into my crosshairs. I hit a direct TOW, you went below half health and booked it. At that point, my teammates arrived and both you and the Bruiser died.


Either way, I should have never been allowed to hit that TOW shot. Under no circumstances should you walk out of cover, into 1 of the only 2 places their enemy can attack from, when you aren't looking in that direction, and don't know which direction the enemy went.


2. S1 AA


After attacking from the green dot position, I whittled you and the Bruiser down as we all danced around the AA. The battle was was even, for a 1v2, but for some reason you made a strange positioning decision. You moved towards the orange dot.


As a Tech who wasn't being aggressive, you shouldn't have separated from your partner, and you certainly shouldn't have retreated away from your side of the base. In the end it was probably a moot point, given that again my teammates arrived and you suffered a teamwipe, but that does not erase the fact that you made large errors in positioning.




My point is, if you want to talk about understanding the finer points of using a Tech, then I shouldn't be seeing such basic errors in your positioning and decision making skills. That is the sort of talk I might accept from GalaxyRadio. I've faced his Tech. His positioning and decision making of when to engage and when to run are very good. He is a major pain in the ass to kill when he Techs.


Even then, I'm still not going to just take "you don't really understand the Tech" claims, because I do. I know how to use the Tech, and I've played similar medic classes that use the same mechanics in games with more complex controls, movement, and with a greater emphasis on medic-based healing (to the point where it was required).


Also, sometimes, if you're any good as a Tech, you'll sacrifice yourself for the guy you are healing.  I suppose that's relative though.

Sacrificing yourself for a Bruiser who is soundly losing a CQC battle is not a great move. If all your sacrifice would accomplish is delaying the death of someone who was already going to die without killing anybody, then that doesn't make you a good Tech.



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I said kill him then I offered a solution ... make a class that counters him directly .. I still am not hearing any ideas besides I hate tech bla bla bal nerf nerf nerf


I did not say  anything about skill level  .. nor did I put my self on a elitist pedestal  I play support in this game 99.8 percent of the time most of that not even tech most is incinerator and grenadier as suppression .. which  I get a total fuzzy bunny score for but when I play it them it makes a huge difference. You want to see fuzzy bunny stats go look at mine wherever they are stored .... as support I over extended to help my team a lot of time sacrificing my self to help two of my team mates escape or heal. I would say I am a average player but my stats do not reflect that nore do I care if they do. I play for fun and of the challenge to fill in the gap of whatever support my team needs. I have gotten far more cautious and defensive and I do not over extend now but I am still a average player.


I would rather see a solution to tech that makes the game more dynamic Instead of  gutting  the tech because people hate him. 

Edited by Source_Mystic, 28 April 2015 - 01:36 PM.



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Two engagements stood out to me.


1. S2 AA

The only point where I would have dropped off radar, I was positioned right in front of the AA (green dot) with both you and the Bruiser you were healing (red dots) positioned behind the front wall.

There were only 2 angles I could immediately attack from (going over the AA would trigger radar and be too slow).

You backed out into the position the orange dot is in while still on radar from your last dodge/boost, so I strafed left and found you backing right into my crosshairs. I hit a direct TOW, you went below half health and booked it. At that point, my teammates arrived and both you and the Bruiser died.

Either way, I should have never been allowed to hit that TOW shot. Under no circumstances should you walk out of cover, into 1 of the only 2 places their enemy can attack from, when you aren't looking in that direction, and don't know which direction the enemy went.

2. S1 AA

After attacking from the green dot position, I whittled you and the Bruiser down as we all danced around the AA. The battle was was even, for a 1v2, but for some reason you made a strange positioning decision. You moved towards the orange dot.

As a Tech who wasn't being aggressive, you shouldn't have separated from your partner, and you certainly shouldn't have retreated away from your side of the base. In the end it was probably a moot point, given that again my teammates arrived and you suffered a teamwipe, but that does not erase the fact that you made large errors in positioning.

My point is, if you want to talk about understanding the finer points of using a Tech, then I shouldn't be seeing such basic errors in your positioning and decision making skills. That is the sort of talk I might accept from GalaxyRadio. I've faced his Tech. His positioning and decision making of when to engage and when to run are very good. He is a major pain in the ass to kill when he Techs.

Even then, I'm still not going to just take "you don't really understand the Tech" claims, because I do. I know how to use the Tech, and I've played similar medic classes that use the same mechanics in games with more complex controls, movement, and with a greater emphasis on medic-based healing (to the point where it was required).

Sacrificing yourself for a Bruiser who is soundly losing a CQC battle is not a great move. If all your sacrifice would accomplish is delaying the death of someone who was already going to die without killing anybody, then that doesn't make you a good Tech.

That's fair. I do make mistakes. However, you applied pressure directly to me, which is what you were supposed to do. In doing so, I would be forced to move. There are instances where we seperated to engage the lone target and he would be forced to move back and I'd have to reposition, by that time the engagement was half over and it my options are attack, green beam, body block or a combination of those. I have improvements to make, but I do understand my class. Omega, Augmentia, Strigon, and Fen will reinforce both of those points. I understand the finer points of teching, but I'm not always perfect.

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finer points of teching called,

they say they only use hawkins and vamp beam


EOC Raider, Bolt Pred, Rev Gl Gren, EOC Infil, All the Reapers, Father, Expert in Guitar Kung Fu, and Founder of TPG Hawken

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i like the balance of the mechs. everybody has their different play styles and some mechs may seem tougher to counter than others. i have seen a bunch of posts about tweaking this mech and that. I have said it before, in the game of paper rock scissors everybody wants to be the rock. dont be upset when somebody plays paper.





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...or spock...


(sorry, I had to say it)


Edited by 6ixxer, 28 April 2015 - 08:47 PM.



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You guys are now argueing about how to play a tech and what a skilled player playing a tech's decisions would be ....

But what would you want from the tech again? Sorry XD

I personally think the tech is good how it is. Usually, I've noticed that people, especially less advanced players, tend to not be able to adapt and are scared of change weather it be playstyle, game mechanics, way of thinking, tactics etc....
But that is he thing about life and same applies to this game! If you start assaulting a heavy and you get him to half health, and here comes a tech who helps the heavy, change of plans man! Be flexible, change directions, start assaulting the tech!
Same goes for ALL other situations. If you are a tech and find itself 1v1 alone isolated, adapt! Press that middle mouse button, fight ur way out! It could be just to kill him, to excape, or to even scare him off! Adapt, its a win win.
If you succeed cool, if you fail then ask yourself what u should have done differently ...

As the saying goes, you learn more from mistakes then from successes! XD

As for game mechanics areguements instead of game play ones XD I posted my opinions of those earlier in this thread XD


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And if you dont .... 


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Lets face it people healers and medics will always be hated so lets just agree to disagree and move on. IF you see a tech if two of your team focus on him he will be ded fast that is if you cannot do it yourself.  So far a skill is concerned there are some scouts with ac and the speed internals that are godlike ....I am really tired of skill base arguments Any pilot with sufficient skill with Anny mech is going to be hard to deal with .. this is not a reason to remove mechs or weapons.


  So i will say it one time .. if you hate the tech come up with an a-calss mech that counters him in some way. (CREATE A SOLUTION)  instead of arguing something that already exist in the system and is not going anywhere personalty now I am going to focus on tech play the fuzzy bunny out of him get evil with him sneak up and vamp beam you in the back as my team hits you from the front then when you die I will thrust right over your dead mech  forward heal my team and laugh.........so you better come up with a better solution because if you think tech was bad it is going to get much worse ..... everyone that likes the tech play him force them to innovate another class or make the suffer because  they will not .....thus begins the tech  war I will see you in game the irony is all the people that complain about the tech never play him . TECH WAR what side are you on ? are you a tech are OR you going to try to kill him ..........lol this is gonna be fun .  that is what games are about right fun. iF YOU ARE NOT HAVING FUN YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG.

Edited by Source_Mystic, 29 April 2015 - 01:38 AM.



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 Also, sometimes, if you're any good as a Tech, you'll sacrifice yourself for the guy you are healing.  I suppose that's relative though.


Everyone has different playstyle, and very often its not good to stay with another teammate until you die for sure.


1. in TDM you both died and you knew before it happens -> enemy get 2 kills, you none

2. in TDM you both retreat together, join forces with teammates, do damage until then, push back with the rest, maybe you are lucky and get them all together with 1 sacrifice on your side 6 VS 1

3. in TDM your teammate dies, you knew and instead of trying to help, which ends in 2 kills for the enemy, you leave to join forces with the rest of your team


When i played tech the first weeks or month, i was desperate trying to help my teammates, even if i know iam going to die if i do. Now i play with what i got from playing on a specific map, try to get a better overview and minimize the chance getting attacked from side/back by watching thse spots for my team (Q Mark) and i retreat, if i know my teammate is just running into his death, so i better try to help elsewhere or retreat, if we are alone and the rest died and i don't join that "dive into your death thing".


Its fine, if you think that way, but maybe you should think about the point, why your k/d ratio with tech is that low. If you die, the enemy get 1 kill or more time to get AA/Missle and you are lost for your team either for 10-20seconds after you relaunched and get to them, maybe that is the time where your enemy get 1 or 2 more kills, because you were not there.


Try some playstyle, before you decide to go with 1. Only heal and concentrate on spotting enemy, do battles yourself if you feel you have to, try to heal desperate some mates or try to retreat and so on. You would be suprise, how effective this could be :)


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