For the EOC discussion:
I would increase its dps first then maybe the projectile speed if needed. Having .35 sec per puck (which is 1.05 secs per shot and 2.10 charged) increases the dps to ~74 from 52, which would make it comparable to the heat cannon both dps and rof wise.
For comparison
heat uncharged has 0.9 rof with 79.44 dps and 71.5 dmg/shot.
heat charged has 2.15 rof with 39.53 dps and 85 dmg/shot
current eoc has 1.5 rof with 52 dps and 78 dmg/shot
current eoc charged has 3 rof with 52 dps and 156 dmg/shot
suggested eoc would have 1.05 rof with 74 dps and 78 dmg/shot
suggested eoc charged would have 2.10 rof with 74 dps and 156 dmg/shot
This seems like a bit much to me. EOC has significantly higher burst than the HEAT Cannon, so why should it have the same DPS too? In my experience with it the EOC Repeater is almost a good weapon as it is now, so this much of an increase would make it overpowered in my opinion. I'm leaning more to the more common suggestions I've seen so far of increased projectile speed and increasing mine damage a bit without increasing its max damage per salvo.
In regards to other weapons/internals/items/whatever:
--Hellfires: reiterating a post I made on a thread in the suggestions forum - increase flight speed, both starting speed when launched and max. Makes dumbfired rockets easier to hit with, and if turning speed stays the same then their curving radius will be wider so they can be curved around more obstacles. Reduce the lock-on time slightly to indirectly improve rate of fire, and therefore DPS. Change the lock-on mechanic so that players have to keep the target in their sights while locking on, or else the lock-on stops and they lose it after a short pause. This will hopefully make them more effective in higher tiers while adding a bit more of a skill requirement to keep them from being unfair in lower tiers.
--AM-SAR: I don't play it enough to have a very good feel for it, but I think it could be a bit more precise and the muzzle smoke shouldn't block the scoped-in view.
--Replenisher: I like the idea of making it a 2-slot internal.
--HE charge: Needs to be differentiated more from the Detonator, instead of just being a Det with an arc. Straight up buffing damage will just mean people will use it instead of the Det. I would say giving it a bigger explosion radius would make it useful to do damage against groups of mechs, versus the Detonator which could be more focused on dealing focused damage to a single target.
--Turrets: More durable.
--ISM: a longer duration might make it too annoying, but if it was a significantly longer duration where the strength gradually fades away after the first half or so that might be okay.
--Reaper ability: needs a re-work because it's usefulness is questionable right now. Helpful in close quarters sometimes, but given that the Ke-Sabot becomes pinpoint accurate as soon as you start scoping in (as opposed to SS which only gets fully accurate around when zooming in is finished--yes, I have tested this on both mechs) close range fighting isn't really a problem anyway. With Slug Rifle it's barely useful at all. More useful with the RPR at range, but as I see it if you're using RPR you're going for closer ranges anyway, so if you're hanging back and sniping with it you're doing it wrong.
--Predator: LE's post nailed it, I think.
That's it for standouts that need a buff for me. Now, for a couple of things that stand out on the opposite end:
It's hard to comment on other internals at this stage because with how rampant orb-lord builds are I rarely see other comps in the games I play so I can't really judge what's effective or not. Orb-amplifying internals need to be brought back in line first, IMO. Asking for feedback on the rest of the internals seems a little premature to me until the most obvious problem has been dealt with first.
Too good at too much without any real drawbacks. I think a slight damage nerf is all that's really needed on this one.
Not quite as bad as SMC, but still a little bit too strong.
Edited by DM30, 23 May 2015 - 12:02 PM.