Thanks to the efforts of participants, captains, developers, and volunteers, TPG has seen two successful seasons of community-based, competitive Hawken. This thread serves to introduce our Admin team and the principles that underpin their decisions. I hope that this information will provide participants an understanding of our goals and expectations as we enter our third season.
Nept � Head Admin � Bio:
Crafty � Head AC Admin � Bio:
Xacius � Senior Admin � Bio:
Counterlogicman � Admin + PR Coordinator (Good luck!) � Bio:
LoC_TR � Admin + Event Coordinator � Bio:
M1lkshake � Admin + Event Coordinator � Bio:
- Through TPG, we seek to strengthen the community and the bonds between its players. Competitive play - and the friendships and rivalries within - creates participation incentives and keeps communities healthy.
- We seek to elevate our community's skill level through exposure to competitive play and players.
- We wish to provide the community not only a competitive venue, but a spectacle. Each week, top teams and players will stream their matches - and all the competitive drama (the good kind!) therein.
- We aim to provide fair and consistent decisions tailored to the circumstances. These circumstances do not, of course, include our personal feelings toward the player(s) in questions.
- We will assign the same punishment for the same infraction provided the contexts are similar.
- We will not favour particular teams or players (including fellow Admins). Admins who commit infractions are subject to penalties twice as harsh as other participants.
- We will openly discuss our reasoning with players who are being punished for violations. That does not mean that we will change the punishment.
- We want matches to be determined by skill, not technicalities. Do not seek advantages through punctiliousness.
- We want teams to play their matches. If you are having scheduling issues, please contact an admin. Forfeit wins will not be granted liberally.
- We will not take kindly to repeated offenses.
- Although we don't want to overburden participants with requirements and regulations, we recognize that competitive leagues require rules, Anti-Cheat oversight, and dispute resolution processes to function. We feel that the current ruleset effectively meets these requirements.
Ruleset Notes
TPG seeks to provide a fun, fair and safe environment for competition. Our ruleset represents a decade's worth of league experience, combined with insights from Hawken's top teams and players. These rules enhance competitive play through restrictions while providing Anti-Cheat measures and dispute resolution options. Additionally, they cover a wide range of scenarios in an effort to reduce uncertainty and improve consistency amongst Admin responses.
Our ruleset cannot, of course, address every possible scenario. Nor should it try. Thoughtlessly administering (or clumsily creating) rules without contextual regard is damaging in its own right. To take chat violations as an example, imagine the following scenarios:
a) A (non-captain) player broadcasts a friendly comment or joke across chat during a match. It is well-received.
b) A player broadcasts a friendly comment or joke across chat during a match. Despite intent, the comment is poorly-received.
c) A player broadcasts a smarmy comment across chat during a match. Despite intent, the comment is well-received.
d) A player broadcasts a racist comment.
e) A player responds through chat to an opposing player committing offense a , b, c, or d.
f) A player is goaded into chat violations through an opposing player's actions (e.g., taunting excessively)
Each of these examples constitutes a chat violation, and each of them could have/should have been avoided. But should our Admin team handle each incident identically? No, of course not. Context is important. Note too the difficulties that would arise were we attempting to describe � and ascribe punishments to � every possible scenario: we would either bloat our ruleset or be forced to ignore context for consistency's sake. In light of these concerns, our ruleset includes fixed punishments where feasible while permitting Admins sufficient space for context-sensitive decisions.
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Give 'er.
Edited by God-King Nept, 08 July 2015 - 07:35 PM.