I've seen over the past few days that a hot topic has been the issue of smurfing, and the defense that it's mainly done because otherwise people cannot get into matches. I'm not personally sure of the course to take in solving the "having matches to play" vs "keeping people from getting stomped" to fix it in the long-term, but I wanted to run an old idea I had by people that may be able to at least mitigate the issue in the short term.
What I propose is an extension in scrimbot to allow it to perform the function that it was always supposed to do: Automate non-pub matches. Specifically, I propose that an automatic, opt-in, vote-driven, party-based PUG (Pick-Up Game) system be setup to help players in the higher tiers (but without explicit min/max limits).
Here's how it will work:
- Players wanting to opt into the system will do so through scrimbot
- Scrimbot will monitor the number of online, opted-in players and detect when there are enough to start a game
- Scrimbot will create it's own party and will send out invites to the players it chooses for the match.
- Players interested in this game will join the party. Those not intrested can skip on it or wait to be automatically excluded.
- Scrimbot will continue to invite more players until it can create a group of 12 (or so) players.
- Voting on a gametype (and map, based on available servers) will be performed in the party.
- Scrimbot will select a suitable empty server and deploy the entire party to the server.
- Due to technical reasons, the party will not be used for assigning teams and will allow the server to perform a autobalance on the players from the start with a full server (ideal conditions)
- The match will start and continue as normal. Scrimbot will monitor the match via it's limited methods.
- At 80% completion of the match, scrimbot will enable optional voting for mode/map, and scan for other players it can use to swap out/replace users that left/readd users that left the party.
- At the completion of the match, scrimbot will finalize voting.
- If no users are to be added to the party, and voting did not result in wanting to change to another server, scrimbot will return to step 9.
- If no users are to be added to the party, and voting resulted in wanting to change to another server, scrimbot will return to step 7.
- If users are to be added to the party, scrimbot will move the party out to the lobby, send invites to players, and return to step 4.
- If the party falls below a certain threshold, or the party votes to disband, the players will be returned to the lobby and removed from the party. Scrimbot moves back to step 2.
Please let me know what you all think of this. I will update this post as I can with more info and such.