As Baconoverlord (aka Baconavenger?) stated "They should make it so when you throw holo taunt on blockade, the blockade projects the holo taunt".
I propose you take it a step further.
Let us buy customizable barrier graphics.
You'd get money, we'd get what we want. Win-win situation. I'd pay like $0.50 per graphic per mech. Or buy it kit-style for like $5.00.
It would help change the meta to everyone running triple barriers.
Nope, I am only me, and I have this as my only forum account.
This fits in with my long requested thing of custom mech skins, but most studios won't do it due to the insane number of 'inappropriate' images that would show up, or the amount of work needed to police submissions.
Even when the devs are known to check the submissions, people will still submit 'inappropriate' ones. Frontier Developments, the studio behind Elite: Dangerous, had a community earlier in the year for ship skins. The ones that the devs liked best would become available in-game.
At PAX this year, I was able to talk to some of the devs, and this contest was mentioned. Even knowing that the devs were going to be looking at each skin, people still submitted... 'inappropriate'... ship skins.
I'd be among the first in line to throw money at Reloaded if I could put my forum avatar on my mechs, but I'm not going to hold my breath on it ever being a thing (which is a pity).