Hi guys, due the update i open photoshop and draw a little things. to be honest, i want to draw it long time ago, but i busy + just forgot about some ideas. but i was in mood and spent hour to do dis! (stronk!)
anyway, this is a holotaunt which i called: "Stealer Fox" (or "Zephyryshka")
1) here:
2) And the original animation without effects and transparent BG.
To be honest, i'm not the creator of this Fox, i only animate it a little. But this Foxy have a own story.
Long time ago i saw this "zephyr" sweets in a magazine (deli), and this fox was a part of a package design. and these things called "Zephyryshki", which a play of words, combined two words "zephyr" + "little animals" (mean Diminutively caressing form of Animals)
When i see this sweets for kids first time, i think: "what the hell? who designed this animals? he was on drugs? lol". Anyway, I do not know why, but I liked the image of this addictive fox so much that I somehow remembered it (and draw :3)

now i understand, probably, this fox designer was a genius... xD
Edited by nepacaka, 17 May 2017 - 08:40 AM.