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[Suggestion] On the G2 Raider' Special Ability.

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Facts on the actual G2 Raider' S.A (Special Ability):


1.- You can not fire any of your weapons while running its Special Ability + boosting.

2.- It furiously burns your fuel's tank in no time while boosting + S.A. Way too fast, IMHO.

3.- Definitely useless when you are low on fuel.. Your fuel's bar won't get replenished. It'll just eat your residual fuel and immediately will go off. Deception factor here from a gameplay stand point; neither looking much coherent if you wish too.


The combination of these 3 facts says to me that this mech needs of a revision. Its S.A does not work well and isn't coherent enough neither, IMHO.


Allowing to fire weapons while running its S.A would not be a good idea. This mech has powerful weapons..  Instead, by just replenishing fuel to the max when running the S.A might be the right way; IMHO. Anyways, it'll eat all of your fuel in little time (as it is now). However, I think that by just tweaking that the performance of this mech might be pretty better and, at the end, more fun to play on the battlefield.


For example: The ability could work well for evasive maneuvers too and not only to reach enemy targets or locations faster and to pursue opponents for a short period of time. But again, you can not fire at enemies while running the ability when boosting - thing which is good from a balancing stand point; IMHO... that's not much coherent either.



Edited by The_Silencer, 13 January 2016 - 08:13 AM.

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Agree with all of it... 


Also: Please fix the visibility on Radar while using blitz.

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Facts on the actual G2 Raider' S.A (Special Ability):


1.- You can not fire any of your weapons while running its Special Ability.


You can, you just have to not boost. You are supposed to walk with the ability on.


Allowing to fire weapons while running its S.A would not be a good idea. This mech has powerful weapons...


The T32 XT is the same as the Raider, and the MIRV and KLA XT just does 32 and 7 more than the Raider's Corsair, while it can boost. Wouldn't be that bad idea to let it fire while boosting.

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You can, you just have to not boost. You are supposed to walk with the ability on.


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"Facts," hehehehe.





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This is like beating the stick used to beat a dead horse, but before anything else please, please make it so using the ability doesn't show the G2R on radar.

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Appearing on radar while the G2R ability is active is a confirmed bug. As stated in one of the first dev interviews with Josh. 


My guess is it has something to do with how radar detection is coded. Probably shows you on radar if you are using fuel, or in a dodge animation. Rather than looking for spacebar or shift + W press. Sort of like how the infiltrator is decloaked by the SAARE. Probably the cloak is looking for heat gen or 0 fuel as a condition to end cloak rather than for lmb/rmb press. A case of looking for resource use as determining factor rather than input. 



As for wanting to decrease the fuel consumption of the ability? I disagree. I feel the only thing that greatly detracts from it currently is the mech showing on radar while ability is popped. Once you remove that bug suddenly the ability becomes extremely powerful when combined with the weaponry and speed of the G2R.


Another fact of the G2R ability that some might not be aware of. It is, like most other abilities, shut down when the mech is EMPd.


A tip for the G2R ability is to make sure you keep your momentum up by holding down the directional button after you dodge. Which means you will need more room and fast fingers than you realize. Then you need to do a momuntary diagonal movement to keep your momentum when going to another direction.


For example: 


Keeping your momentum after dodges with G2R ability


Shift + D

hold D after dodge to keep momentum

hold D and press W to transition your movement forward while keeping momentum

holding W release D

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Is this a troll thread? These "facts" aren't really facts. There is nothing wrong with the mech, leave it alone, it's fine. And before anybody says something about it being useless, meet me on the battlefield. We'll see how "useless" this machine is.

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Is this a troll thread? These "facts" aren't really facts. There is nothing wrong with the mech, leave it alone, it's fine. And before anybody says something about it being useless, meet me on the battlefield. We'll see how "useless" this machine is.

G2 raider charges chaos sabre!

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Also: Please fix the visibility on Radar while using blitz.


all other no need

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Thanks for the interesting posts, guys.


Still, I feel this mech like slightly incomplete while piloting it here. Bug apart, I think the G2 Raider needs of one more little touch with cautious love. I said cautious because it's a big tough guy, hence my second thoughts on allowing the G2 to fire while boosting plus running its S.A.


P.S. The main goal of these threads are to discuss, deliver and share thoughts & info. Definitely not a troll thread; @Onstrava.. that post of yours made me look for the Dislike this button... Nevertheless, there's nothing written about tastes. It's good thing to have different impressions and point of views, nepacaka. However, CounterLogicMan said above, if the S.A. is intended to be used while walking instead of boosting then we're talking about game design and gameplay here.


Still, I think the fuel should be insta-replenished when running the S.A. for this mech. That would be my main point and suggestion for the G2 Raider.


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Somewhat related... I have always wondered why the reg Raider's blitz doesn't automatically use fuel also; You can walk around really fast with no fuel loss. I can't help but feel that the disparity between the two abilities might have been an oversight. I guess reg R can't blitz-walk as nearly as fast as the G2R (I think?), so maybe it was just a quirky way to balance, but still... Seems 'off.'

BTW: power surger + evasive device + G2Blitz for maximum lolspeed, for those who might have yet to try it for some reason.

Edited by (TDM) DeeRax, 09 January 2016 - 10:33 AM.

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Somewhat related... I have always wondered why the reg Raider's blitz doesn't automatically use fuel also; You can walk around really fast with no fuel loss. I can't help but feel that the disparity between the two abilities might have been an oversight. I guess reg R can't blitz-walk as nearly as fast as the G2R (I think?), so maybe it was just a quirky way to balance, but still... Seems 'off.'

BTW: power surger + evasive device + G2Blitz for maximum lolspeed, for those who might have yet to try it for some reason.

AH! this explains the popup on radar for G2, it seems like it's configured as a weapons-enabled boost, rather than a speed-walk! all they have to do is unlink the SA from the fuel and run it on a timer, as is done with G1R.

Yo! Josh! hinthinthint

Edited by em1o, 09 January 2016 - 11:06 AM.

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I guess reg R can't blitz-walk as nearly as fast as the G2R (I think?)


The difference is pretty huge yes, Raider blitz-walk is a lot slower than G2 Raider's ability.



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As stated above, G2R blitz is faster walking than the raider blitz. The reason for it using fuel is that the G2R has much harder hitting weaponry. There has to be a give and take for giving such a powerful mech so much speed. So you can't simply give it the same ability as the raider. It would be really really op. 


Many people will be surprised at how powerful the ability will be once the radar bug is fixed. Even with the fuel consumption.

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Still, I think the fuel should be insta-replenished when running the S.A. for this mech. That would be my main point and suggestion for the G2 Raider.


sorry guys, i answer without translator, so, if you can't understand what i wrote, blame baba-ji in this. sorry, probably better not read this than trying to understand :3

personally, i think it normal. i mean, G2-blitz fuel consumption.
i here different points of view on hawken mechs abilities in general, because, you suggest "a buff" G2-blitz ability, make it better. (if i understand correct)
but i think, since ascension many mech abilities turn into OP, at the same time, half mech don't have ability which they can press by cooldown (like raider, bers, assault, for example. press F to win)

for example, scout ability, it gain him speed+fuel, early it gave him only fuel, and it was normal.
raider ability too OP, it shouldn't increase raider walking speed, thats how it should working in my opinion, just add to raider ability shoot while he use boost. if made it like this, raider ability also start consuming fuel. not directly, you spent your fuel manually, but if you "just press F" and activate ability when you fuel is close to 0...nothing happen! it like added some fuel management to ability. it is good.
It is also made a more difference betwee raiders. like G2 have a walk speed, G1 have a fast boost only.

Mech like Brawler, which have very situation ability, most of time brawler don't have ability. do not get me wrong, I like brawler ability, and dont want change it, but if compared with other mechs brawler-turret sux. the same with rocketeer. but +5% or +10% buff can made it more viable, but having several brawlers in one team can be a "worst of your nightmare" (because regen+high armor, well, it is working only if you have 1 brawler, but 2-3 or more, they just may be imba)

why i think that G2-blitz can be a perfect without radar bug?
because it is turn raider ability to combo between infiltrator and raider.
G2 have insane speed, insane alpha strike, and without bug he can be "invisible"
it is too much for him. soo good when you can walking through whole map and your enemy can see you.

Silencer, also, one of your mistake about fuel suggestion, that you totally forgot about x2 Fuel converter internal. Why you not think about it, and about internal-build on this mech in general?
x2 Fuel Converter give G2-raider all fuel which he need. If you use G2-blitz for attack, even if you have 1/3 of your fuel tank, some enemy bullet regen you fuel while fight and you can success end ability.
I also think that x2 Fuel Conv - is # 1 internal for this mech. it is like compressor for bers. G2 just not working without it.

What i'm trying to say in several words: Fuel consuption is nut a problem if you install fuel converter on you foking tourkey! ^_^

Edited by nepacaka, 10 January 2016 - 03:38 AM.

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raider ability too OP, it shouldn't increase raider walking speed, thats how it should working in my opinion, just add to raider ability shoot while he use boost. if made it like this, raider ability also start consuming fuel. not directly, you spent your fuel manually, but if you "just press F" and activate ability when you fuel is close to 0...nothing happen! it like added some fuel management to ability. it is good.
It is also made a more difference betwee raiders. like G2 have a walk speed, G1 have a fast boost only.


Let's not touch a balanced mech (the Raider) just to bring it closer to G2 version (the turkey).



why i think that G2-blitz can be a perfect without radar bug?
because it is turn raider ability to combo between infiltrator and raider.
G2 have insane speed, insane alpha strike, and without bug he can be "invisible"


It also has the lowest HP of a C class, the second slowest walking speed (15.5 vs 15 of Brawler) and the secondary with the highest reload time while only having access to a short range shotgun primary, the T32 XT. Even as good as the ability can be now, it doesn't compensate for that. Even if they removed the turkey from the radar while the ability is on, it wouldn't be invisible: a C class with the holowings on from the ability can be spotted from long distances.

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C class with the holowings on from the ability can be spotted from long distances.


infiltrator and predator who stand/walking in front of you are visible too. doesn't matter how you look if you dissapear from radar and enemy not watching on you directly.
i'm talking about "invisibility on radar". it is true hawken invisibility mode :D
i mean, when you can't see walking enemies on radar (except scanner)
the same sort invisibility mode which infiltartor or pred has, but only on 7-8 sec. i think it is really good.


it doesn't compensate for that.


compensate for what?
how brawler ability compensate something? what compensate rocketeer ability?

g2 have a higher alpha-strike weapons, low mobility compensate his high damage. G2-blitz compensate his low mobility. you need use FuelConverter to compensate ability fuel consumption. i see G2 in this way. if devs fixed his ability, it will be very good if it start working on 100%

Edited by nepacaka, 10 January 2016 - 07:37 AM.

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doesn't matter how you look if you dissapear from radar and enemy not watching on you directly.
i'm talking about "invisibility on radar". it is true hawken invisibility mode :D


But that is the thing: a G2 Raider, with or without ability, is completly visible when it is on your LOS, while a cloaked Pred/Infil is harder (even if not impossible) to spot.



compensate for what?


The current ability does not compensate for its short range, bad HP and bad speed.



how brawler ability compensate something? what compensate rocketeer ability?


Brawler has the highest HP on the game, that compensates for its slow speeds. It also comes with the TOW, more versatile than the Corsair XT, and access to more primary weapons. Rocketeer is close to useless so it's not a good example.


What I'm trying to say is that the worst aspects of a mech should be compensated by the best ones. The Turkey has bad HP and speed. It has good weapons, but only at close range. So you have to be close to the enemy, but you can't just boost there because you are slow and by the time to get there you are either dead (bad HP) or the enemy has alredy escaped. That's what the ability is for, right? The problem is, by the time you reach your target everyone has had you on radar for a long time, and if things go wrong you don't even have the fuel or the ability to escape.


Making the Turkey invisible on radar would be a good start. We alredy have mechs with high burst weaponry that are invisible (like EOC/HEAT Infil) and they are not a problem, so Turkey shouldn't be one either.

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(even if not impossible) to spot.


90% you can see it. i can. so, you can too.


The current ability does not compensate for its short range, bad HP and bad speed.


speed compensate short range, you can easily shortened distance between enemy.

Have no idea why do you think that ability should compensate "something".
mech stats compensate each other (like high damage, but low speed, or low damage, but high speed, etc.), ability just give you an "Advantage", not a "compensation". and g2-blitz can give your and advantage. that's all.

but you can't just boost there because you are slow


you can use covers and close to enemy when you hiding. positioning it is important on g2 and brawler.
for example, flak-brawler have the same problem like G2. and his "higher HP" not help alot in 6vs6 fight. he have less alpha-strike, bad DPS and his ability not compensate nothing. At same time, Brawler and G2 is a very scary mech in 1vs1.

imho, G2 have only one problem. Enemy with high DPS and speed. For example vulcan salt or bers, who can "catch" g2-raider and kill fast, when g2 reloading his weapons. Ability can compensate this! i mean, g2-blitz help compensate problem with dps. because all other not a problem.

what we have in total
- abilty can compensate short range
- ability can compensate DPS (to give you speed to evade some damage when u reloading)
- ability can compensate slow speed if you trying to catch someone or runaway.

what else you need compensate? maybe just added in game mechs with 800hp, SA hawkins with 150 dmg per bullet, and 40m/s speed? it will be nice. and not imba at all xD

Edited by nepacaka, 10 January 2016 - 08:31 AM.

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Have no idea why do you think that ability should compensate "something".

Ability needs to compensate because the stats of the mech are horrible. Any C class that slow has more HP, any C class with that HP is faster. Mechs that have good stats have the ability as an extra, the Turkey needs its ability in order to be useful.

- abilty can compensate short range
- ability can compensate slow speed if you trying to catch someone or runaway.

Current ability will leave you fueless and on everyone's radar, on a mech that just can't escape without its ability and without enough HP for too much fights.

- ability can compensate DPS (to give you speed to evade some damage when u reloading)

This works well on A classes with smaller hitboxes and low dodge cooldowns, but it doesn't work as well on the Turkey.

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Current ability will leave you fueless


i told you early, use x2 Fuel Converter to solve this problem.

Any C class that slow has more HP


yep. brawler has more HP. don't have alphastrike like G2, don't have DPS. Have a higher overheat time if trying use Vulcan to get DPS.
have lowest radar range (G2-raider have a high radar range)

any C class with that HP is faster


Vanguard have the same HP. yes, he fast. He have DPS. But he has problem with fuel, and the same problem with range like G2. 
His ability is tanky in some situation, but it not compensate nothing. if you need compensate low fuel tank on vanguard, use x1 or x2 FuelConv. The same like G2-raider.

DPS and speed it is problem for G2, but you can solve it if use corner-fight. stay on open space on g2 = suicide. but it is not problem of mech or ability.

To be honest, all of this is not a problem. range, speed, fuel... it is totally sh!t. no one care about it. Because only one "True" G2-raider problem is... your weapon accuracy!
if your aim lower than 50%, you always will be sux. forgot about G2. it is only player fault, and you can't balance it even if buff ability twice.
People who sux on G2 still was sux. with fuel, or not.

Edited by nepacaka, 10 January 2016 - 09:24 AM.

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also, maps.
with the same logic, flak brawler not a best mech for bazaar or lostEco. but nobody not trying solve his flak and speed problems (maybe only baba-ji ^_^)
obviously, G2 don't have any problem on Origin. and Brawler too.

Edited by nepacaka, 10 January 2016 - 09:28 AM.

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i told you early, use x2 Fuel Converter to solve this problem.

yep. brawler has more HP. don't have alphastrike like G2, don't have DPS. Have a higher overheat time if trying use Vulcan to get DPS.
have lowest radar range (G2-raider have a high radar range)

Vanguard have the same HP. yes, he fast. He have DPS. But he has problem with fuel, and the same problem with range like G2. 
His ability is tanky in some situation, but it not compensate nothing. if you need compensate low fuel tank on vanguard, use x1 or x2 FuelConv. The same like G2-raider.

DPS and speed it is problem for G2, but you can solve it if use corner-fight. stay on open space on g2 = suicide. but it is not problem of mech or ability.

To be honest, all of this is not a problem. range, speed, fuel... it is totally sh!t. no one care about it. Because only one "True" G2-raider problem is... your weapon accuracy!
if your aim lower than 50%, you always will be sux. forgot about G2. it is only player fault, and you can't balance it even if buff ability twice.
People who sux on G2 still was sux. with fuel, or not.





FC isn't a magic solution to your problems. It needs you to take damage for it to generate fuel. All the fuel in the world isn't worth much if you don't have the abilty to use it. FC is useful to keep the ability going on, and that's it. Also a mech shouldn't need an internal to be useful, that's limiting the possible combinations of config with that mech.


Brawler has the burst FLAK+TOW, which is not as high but it is easier to land, and you can fire it more often. Brawler can have a lot of DPS with the Vulcan, or have less DPS and but longger range with the HAWKINS SA.


Vanguard is not only fast, its boost speeds compare to that of B mechs (30.44 to 33.68, with the Vanguard having 30.08). All his weapons are sustain with really good DPS, with differences on DPS, heat gen and range, but all viable. 



Brawler is good. Vanguard is good. They have their weak and strong points.


The Turkey's strongest point is its burst. Everything else is a weak point on it. And that affects its strong point, for it doesn't matter the burst you have if you are dead or far away. So to start with you are heavily dependant on its ability not to have an advantages on your opponents but just to even be able to fight.

And in top of that, the ability isn't that good either! It won't be happy with just eating all your fuels (and no, that isn't magically solved with the FC), but it will also give away your position the whole time you are using it.


So you have a bad mech, with one strong point which relies on its ability that is mediocre at best. How is that balanced?

Edited by Anxiko, 10 January 2016 - 09:58 AM.

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Also Raider needs that amazing ability to be viable, Brawler has an ability so bad it's like it doesn't have any but the mech itself is a murder machine, one with which you can easily dominate matches.

You can't just compare the abilities in a vacuum, you could remove the ability from Brawler and have virtually no change im effectiveness. Remove Blitz from Raider though and it's crippled.



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Brawler is good. Vanguard is good. They have their weak and strong points.


thats what i'm trying to say. the same story with G2


Also a mech shouldn't need an internal to be useful


tell this story to orb-lord. half of internals totally changes your mech. if compared orb-lord brawler and brawler without internals, clearly see how no internals brawler sux.

Brawler is good.


Brawler is not good. Not with flak. not in 6 vs 6 matches. it can't do nothing against 6 sustain weapons. don't have ability (even vanguard have). it's playable and can tanky only with tech.
just right now brawler is playable only with SA as a support, and with flak on origin. very good mech... :D

brawler problem that he is OP in 1vs1, sux in 6vs6. the same problem with G2. But if you buff G2 or flak-Brawler, you just made it good in 6vs6 and super-imba in 1vs1 balance.

Everything else is a weak point on it.


radar. Fuel-tank. Fuel regen. you forgot half of stats. but i understans you, because HP, speed, DPS it is a most important stats to balance.

Kompotka 3000. 2D ha?ken game: https://community.pl...ve/?hl=kompotka

Interceptor, B-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...itdefence-mech/

Challenger, C-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...ccepted-thread/

G2-Brawler, C-class mech concept: https://community.pl...pacaka-is-here/

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You can't just compare the abilities in a vacuum, you could remove the ability from Brawler and have virtually no change im effectiveness. Remove Blitz from Raider though and it's crippled.


hm... it have a sense :D
brawler just imba. baba-ji love him.

Kompotka 3000. 2D ha?ken game: https://community.pl...ve/?hl=kompotka

Interceptor, B-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...itdefence-mech/

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G2-Brawler, C-class mech concept: https://community.pl...pacaka-is-here/

Kinetik, B-class mech concept: https://community.pl...ass-shotgunner/

Melter, A-class mech concept: https://community.pl...-class-support/



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Lol.. Well, nepacaka... you should give some little license to the new pilots starting to play the G2 Raider. Even to many experienced pilots who have never tried this mech either (at least not much...). ;)


One more fact would be that a new player, without any previous advice given by more skilled pilots, may end up feeling a bit confused on how the S.A. of the G2 Raider works and so forth. And, that's a real fact believe me, because I've seen that happening within my friends circle.

However, that would be more related -if wou wish- with the web based game info and in-game areas of HAWKEN as for example the UI. Nothing crytical though.. not very important, but that's on the table as well.


edit: typos

Edited by The_Silencer, 13 January 2016 - 06:33 AM.


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While I completely agree that the bug for the G2R's ability sucks and needs to be fixed... I don't think it's nearly as big of a handicap as many people are saying.  When you use the G2R blitz, you are most likely going in hot on an enemy target and are going to be firing and dodging... things which make you show up on radar anyhow.

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Beside the radar stuff, the fuel consumption lead to a rather short range of this ability, I'm always disappointed when I try to use it because I run out of fuel before reaching the target.




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G2R's blitz needs to not show up on radar, if you use it while walking, because walking doesn't make you show up on radar. Period.





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LOL: period :P


On the other hand... Probably some consider the G2 Raider rendering on radar when running its S.A as not to be so "unnatural"... this reminds me of the Infil rendering on radar while cloacking because of Scanners.

Edited by The_Silencer, 13 January 2016 - 06:39 AM.


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I have G2. But I play on it only when mech appear, mostly in Duel when we have EU contest 2x2, so we just play on 2xG2.
This mech is not bad, but I'm bad. I use ball mouse + lags = my aim is very cheap.
And if you miss with G2 you just made raider useless, so, it requires minimum 45% accuracy with primary and 55-60% with secondary. Two miss from secondary and you ded. End.
I like this mech, because after stupid G2-salt, raider look like normal C-class with shotguns (mmm...shotguns), so, you not very correct. I play on it, but with my cheap aim it is impossible sometimes to kill flying targets for me. But it doesn't mean that mech is bad.

Also, I remember, when devs added G2, after 1-2 days I create topic on forum where I whining about G2 fuel and ability (not only me), than devs buff it and it was Ok.

Edited by nepacaka, 13 January 2016 - 08:10 AM.

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Kompotka 3000. 2D ha?ken game: https://community.pl...ve/?hl=kompotka

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Challenger, C-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...ccepted-thread/

G2-Brawler, C-class mech concept: https://community.pl...pacaka-is-here/

Kinetik, B-class mech concept: https://community.pl...ass-shotgunner/

Melter, A-class mech concept: https://community.pl...-class-support/



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The thing (or one relevant thing here) is that you can not fire your weapons while running the S.A + boosting and the fuel tank gets wasted in no time. That's not coherent, IMHO. You can fire when running the S.A while just walking, everything fine there but looks like pretty undocumented to new pilots = intrincate gameplay factor here.


I edited the OP to make my point crystal clear on that. My bad about that.


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But as I know in g2-blitz description clearly writing that ability increase walking speed only. it don't have any sense use boost, only walk and dodge. when you use boost your speed just equal brawler speed.
I like that g2-blitz have a different with g1-blitz, and I think it should be different.
This is why many ppl think that g2 shouldn't be on radar, because he is walking, not use boost like g1. Fixing this bug can made it really different with g1-raider, and added some nice features in g2 gameplay. I actually think it was a nice small buff. Yeah. Nice buff. That's all what I want. And servers without delay :D

Edited by nepacaka, 13 January 2016 - 12:55 PM.

Kompotka 3000. 2D ha?ken game: https://community.pl...ve/?hl=kompotka

Interceptor, B-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...itdefence-mech/

Challenger, C-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...ccepted-thread/

G2-Brawler, C-class mech concept: https://community.pl...pacaka-is-here/

Kinetik, B-class mech concept: https://community.pl...ass-shotgunner/

Melter, A-class mech concept: https://community.pl...-class-support/



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I see.. nevertheless, as it is or works now, boosting while running the ability generates some sort of penalty effect which is not much coherent in the game...



What's the speed's multiplier applied to walking while running the S.A for the G2 Raider?


P.S. Once more, you have the issue with the Infiltrator rendering on radar (by Scanner items) while cloacking. Thus, i find these 2 cases to be generating one inconsistence in the game. I mean, or radar detection is motion based or is heat based. Or perhaps both? IIRC, I posted on a solution for the Infil's case in relation to Scanner items time ago -I've not searched for that post within the actual forum content though). I still find points like these to be part of the beta aspect of the game, if you allow me the comment.. However, due that the G2 Raider is a big dangerous guy at close range, i don't find the fact of having it rendering on radar while running its S.A. due that it represents a serious threat, we all should admit that; IMHO. And as final comment, both cases (G2 Raider and Infil) could be solved by having into account distinct detection ranges for both mechs. That is, having Infils rendering on radar via Scanners within a decent short range. The same for the G2 within some decent distance range as one more exception to the related calculations about what to render on radar and why...


Just my 2 cents once more.

Edited by The_Silencer, 15 January 2016 - 08:53 AM.


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This thread just makes me want the long craved brawler overheat fix and/or turret mode dmg mitigation buff (10% plus meatwall doesnt cut it in these bursty times)








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Also mr brawler needs that absurd turret rotation speed it had back in acension (but hey lets not get carried away with deflectors this time eh?)








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Raider, Raider is the word .. ;)




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I use ball mouse.


Man, didn't Reloaded send you one of those custom laser mouse deals for winning the shirt design contest?  They should have.

To be serious for a moment this is just a joke


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