Hi Guys,
so I always had a problem with the EMP in this game. It's radius, the effects duration, the ability to throw it a long distance, everything just seemed OP, like a free kill if you hit it and it really isn't that hard, especially in siege where many enemies are close to each other.
Am I the only one who thinks this item is completely broken? I play a lot of G2R lately and the EMP quickly became my biggest enemy.
It's always the same:
Case 1: Enemy throws tow/grenade at me, i dodge. Short time after i can't dodge again so i get the emp in my face and there's nothing i can do.
Case 2: I throw down a bubble, stay inside. EMP hits the Shield and ALSO hits me inside (even if i stand in the middle of it or even more behind). No shield, no weapon --> Death in the open field.
Case 3: Especially in close quarters, i get surprised by a lot of enemies, try to escape and get my G2 Blitz on, but the bouncing of walls EMP hits me, and even my ability gets broken down.
The absolute best of course is when I try to save a teammate with a bubble shield, it gets EMPd, we both are jammed and abilities work neither. Makes perfect sense, it just destroys teamwork.
Is there some kind of magic trick i didn't notice or is there something i do wrong all the time? Am I the only one experiencing this? In my opinion EMPs would need a heavy nerf, at least the ability to only affect 1 mech or shield at a time, or to be thrown out the game completely, i wouldn't miss them at all, especially since they make many other items completely useless.
What are your thoughts on this?