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Items mark IV

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I had this idea: why not create items Mk IV?
These objects take all available places so it would be possible to have a single MK IV object at a time. the particularity of these items is that they are infinite: you can use them as many times as you want until latency X probably longer than the objects MK I, MK II and MK III. The price of the items would then certainly High.

What do you think, is this a good idea? what problems the MK IV objects could they have?



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I know this is getting old now but still...




Edited by TwoDots (I2DI), 12 July 2015 - 12:35 PM.

I simply cease to believe that something is OP just because it's OP.



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I wouldn't mind MK4 items. They just should function like other MK's.

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GIF isn't bad, but it's better with sound.


I could see MK IV working with 4 items of the same type (infinite would lead to item spam), but not until they properly balance all items (orbs being main problem).

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I won`t comment on your idea, but rather your font.


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comic sans is a great way to have your already fantastic idea taken seriously

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I wish that as a community we'd stop deriding suggestions by new players with little more than silly gifs and useless comments and instead explain why the suggestion is bad.

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Mk4 item that'd take 5 slots (leaving you with the item regenerator as the filler) would be marvelous. Except that then orblording would then be even more broken. Hm.

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I don't see a huge problem with MK IV items.


Yes, it would make orblording even more powerful, but that's a different problem entirely.

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I wish that as a community we'd stop deriding suggestions by new players with little more than silly gifs and useless comments and instead explain why the suggestion is bad.

Idealistic, aren't we?


FYI: BigBear is not a new player. I've seen him around for quite some time now.



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Idealistic, aren't we?


FYI: BigBear is not a new player. I've seen him around for quite some time now.

But he certainly looks new to the forums, where people usually discuss such ideas.

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Good idea, bad in practice. Can you imagine a Brawler sitting on about 4 orbs at once? 

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From the top of my mind,

the actual 1_slot Item Regenerator shortens the cooldown by 2 seconds* less in between (available item) uses... from 7 to 5; yes?


But again, IIRC,

the Item Regenerator has a limited number of auto-uses per spawn... hence without taking into account the amount of available items you have prior dying (switching teams..), the match ends, per spawn anyways... Right?


So, maybe, one new version of the Item Regenerator looks like a possibility "at this point here". One 2_slot version of it, reducing the cooldown in between item uses by 1 second less and enlarging the effective amount of auto-uses up to 3?


At first glance, that would be fairly balanced, IMHO. ;)




Assuming that (and according to what the ingame UI says right now) the limited numer of uses per spawn is real then also (just) a non limited n_uses version of the Item Regenerator (with same cooldown?) might be a possibility, valid and hopefully related enough in here...  I may be wrong if I'm not remembering correctly


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Okay, can we, when giving examples of how this would break things, not constantly use orb-lording as the big reason. Someone else said that's a different issue entirely and I kinda agree.

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I wouldn't mind having another item to use but infinite, well that was done already if I remember correctly. The only difference was that there was a cooldown on your items. The devs clearly didn't like that so they changed it to what it is currently. Now if the new devs change it to infinite again I would guess they would do the same thing or even make the cooldown longer than it was before, in the end it might not be worth it. Just something to keep in mind.

Edited by Onstrava, 13 July 2015 - 10:06 PM.

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So basically, this would add more vertical progression and add an older mechanic where items were not limited per spawn...


I'm against this idea as adding more vertical progression is a Bad Idea™ to me.  Reloaded should look at removing the item limit per spawn vs adding it back in this way.

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At this point I think that, in the same way you can actually not equip some your mechs with certain internals, etc (thing IMHO is good thing) the whole items scheme worths of a deep revision.


That not necessarily should imply lots of changes but mostly focusing on polishing the current items system as a whole.


/* Also literal descriptions on what each item exactly does, even with extended details shown to the pilot via UI (the later preferently being partially data driven based in both client and server sides.. ergo a dynamic system allowing tunning the numbers in Real Time by the devs but keeping the players automatically current on what real numbers are when they may decide to check this sorft of data.

Just an idea though.. at least basical DPS, W_Range, AoE, Armour, HPs, depending on whether the item is defensive, offensive et cetera.. many may think that isn't the proper way, others not. So perhaps some way in the middle of sharing numbers with the base. That could save big time in the testing area (to officials and/or 3rd Parties) as well, IMHO;) */


Back on topic.. Ok, for instance,


Should A classes be equipped with big loads of item, assuming any new MARK-UV or higher are implemented? Is that coherent enough? I'd like to see a revision to items in order to make the system more distinct, specialized and coherent per each mech (or per Mech Class, if you wish, as first step..) and not only with items, but with internals too. There's work made and working in the game already in that way, but it's incomplete thus revising and tweaking these areas should positively add value to the game in many ways (not only gameplay)...


On cooldowns in between item uses.. just saying that if you remove that in the game then what you'll see on the battlefield is gonna be a lot of mess... insta-kills, ... many cons... pretty much a waste of time to enum 'em here / read it there...


Another example, and extending what I posted above on a new Item Regerator MK ver.: If Health Orbs, and/or EMPs and/or any other item is not looking well enough right now then maybe would be good idea to make regenerators more specialized; for instance, simply not working for any item being investigated due to some apparent OP factor well observed/reported by.. YOU!


Am I rambling?




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they are infinite: you can use them as many times as you want

infinite orb-lord. infinite...


i actually preffer old item system, where mech have 2 items with k/d instead current spam-system.

Edited by nepacaka, 18 July 2015 - 12:45 PM.

Kompotka 3000. 2D ha?ken game: https://community.pl...ve/?hl=kompotka

Interceptor, B-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...itdefence-mech/

Challenger, C-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...ccepted-thread/

G2-Brawler, C-class mech concept: https://community.pl...pacaka-is-here/

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Melter, A-class mech concept: https://community.pl...-class-support/



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infinite orb-lord. infinite...


i actually preffer old item system, where mech have 2 items with k/d instead current spam-system.

pervert.. what you want is a party with 2 fem-techies.. :P


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