Hawken is not over yet.
I am willing to put up $20,000 to buy the entire IP, all code, all assets, and all other licenses involved with the entire Hawken project. This purchase must include 2011-2014 era code as well as all modern versions.
I understand the core mechanics of Hawken, and am willing to supervise development of new versions, to ensure purity of the ideals and aesthetics of the original Hawken. There could be name/lore changes, but only to suit my purposes as a person who is serious about returning to the original glory.
If the current owner of this software is willing to sell for a fair price, additional details about this purchase attempt can be provided.
Would anyone want to join me? Can anyone pitch in $10,000 or so? A few hands up here could change things. I will allow co-funders to join the new Hawken company, with the understanding that I will not allow corruption to the true values of this game.
I just want the fans here to be happy.
If there is any desire to sell this IP, and all of its assets, I am a willing buyer.
Just message me, or let me know on this thread.
Edited by Mackindale, 27 October 2017 - 01:02 AM.