Newsflash for the logically devoid: lack of new content ( mechs, maps, abilities, items etc etc ) = lots of people with fully levelled mechs and accounts > lots of HC with nothing to spend it on and no clear way to progress further = lack of interest in continuing to play = reduced player base + creation of new accounts in order to have a continued reason for playing.
Sure, smurfing may well dishearten rookies and scare them away, however, a smurf does not stay a smurf for very long- a good player can raise their MMR very quickly ( typically, going from 1400 to ~2000 takes about a week or two for a good player, playing a few hours each evening ). Thus, the 'smurf' is no longer able to stomp the rookies as they cannot ordinarily join the same server.
In addition, if said high MMR smurf uses the match maker, it will stick them into any random available server, regardless of the MMR level of the players already there. So, in conclusion, blaming smurfing = foolish and naive. The total lack of player-base and match-making system makes it pretty much impossible for new players to play with just other new players ( or low MMR nooblords ), and also makes it impossible for high MMR players to find matches as they are either locked out, or can't get into the few high MMR servers that are always full.
It's so painfully clear that these are the issues facing what's left of the game, but some people would rather blame smurfing instead of accepting that 2 years without any updates is why the game died on its arse.
Need new mechs.
Need new maps.
Need new weapons and abilities.
Need exploits fixed.
Need open cheaters and exploiters dealt with, especially when the devs have been presented with clear video evidence.
Need new gameplay mechanics ( pick-up dropped items from dead mechs, supply drops, special weapon- play as warship turret through pick ups, deploy a drone as an item for your mech etc etc)
New game modes ( last man standing, protect/capture the bomb or VIP, hardcore mode, single objectives to capture and hold or destroy against the clock- use your imaginations, so many ideas )
Tidy up game play mode menus so they are all on one screen
Update to DX11
Improved tutorial/training mode for new players- make them fight AI bots for more than 2 minutes so they have a better handle on how to pilot their mechs.
Fix voice chat.
By the time the devs actually hire some new staff to work on this^ stuff, there will only be a dozen people left playing the game, I doubt very much they will make back their ~$1 million dollar investment if something isn't done soon.
Edited by BlackWarGreymon, 21 October 2015 - 03:08 PM.