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A To Do List For Reloaded.

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The purpose of this is partially to nudge Reloaded in the direction I feel is appropriate, if they're not doing so already. It's partially to generate feedback on said direction, but it's also to highlight the magnitude of what needs to be done - and this is from a guy who's never developed a game. There are various complicated stages to each of these steps, and many pieces in between. We're still a long way off.

This is a (likely incomplete) list of items that need to be attended to prior to Hawken's "release".

It does need to be released. Why? It's an appropriate cause for an advertising campaign. Does it need an ad campaign?

Find me a better way (not a live action miniseries - however awesome the trailers looked) to get people who haven't played Hawken interested in the game, and I'll say no. In the meantime, yes.

Goal - fix up HWK to get it in proper shape so that an ad campaign isn't wasted.

1. Address Pay To Win Illusions.

This thread was actually a little inspired by this one here. Unfortunately, it seems ADH could have had a much larger customer base if they had made some of the steps that Reloaded already has (toning down the grind significantly, double xp weekends, all of that) however I personally think the grind is still a little high in terms of the mechs - those are the things that people are interested in. Greatly reducing items and internals is great, but the grind for mechs is still pretty significant.

Your goal should be to get Hawken to a point where it is sustainable on solely cosmetic purchases - meaning eliminating the ability to purchase mechs with MC entirely. This again means that the grind must be significantly reduced, because at this point you are relying on the game being fun enough to play for that period of time with a single mech.

This is also why I strongly recommend* that alongside the Assault, you offer the ability to choose two or three mechs at will, for free upon creating an account. Don't force them into choosing immediately, just give them three "mech credits" to spend whenever they choose. It will not give them the illusion of choice - it will give them choice. It will help make the game feel like it's theirs. It will help them feel as if they've just chosen a class in an RPG and are trying it out, as opposed to being forced into the standard "Warrior" class that the assault is.

This is something you can experiment with already - you've already given it a shot, but I currently play Hawken about two to four hours a week - that's less than I've ever played it, but it's also an amount that is consistent with a casual player of video games. I earn scarcely any HC at all at this rate, and if I were a new player playing at this rate, not unlocking basically anything, I'd stop playing.

This is a massive priority. A single article declaring "P2W" can kill off hundreds to thousands of potential players. And that's from stupid Forbes. I mean, people are going to click that. They might not go there on the regular for video game advice, but if that shows up on the first page of google, people are going to read it. In fact, seventy two thousand people are going to read it. I'd bet that's within an order of magnitude of the number of people that have ever installed the game, and tens of thousands of people likely never gave it a shot because P2W is so incredibly discouraged by people that play anything beyond mobile games.


*fuzzy bunnyng do it already - denying this sort of access is the business equivalent of a toddler refusing to share his toys when he's not using them. Unless I see some hard data, I really believe that there aren't many people buying mechs with MC - and even if there are, there are still mechs to buy, and giving players this choice means more people stick around to buy cosmetics (and mechs if you don't eliminate the ability to pay for mechs) if you gave them this choice to begin with.



1.1. On Giving New Players Choice

Every mech (with the exception of the CRT/Assault combo) is in many respects, vastly different from every other mech. The playstyle required for any one of them is different, the feel, flow, and pace of the game playing any single mech is different from any other mech.

How are you using this to your advantage? How are you using this to hook new players?

You're not. You're just not. Not at all. You're sticking players in the single most averaged mech in the game. The most common secondary and one of the most common primaries on a mid sized, mid speed, mid health mech. It's a fantastic mech, one of the only ones that touches the fringe of overpowered, but in all aspects other than how effective it is, it is totally, completely unremarkable.

Meanwhile in order to get anything else at all you need 9,000 HC. Let's be really, really generous and say a new player earns 450 HC per game. (This does not happen with the exception of achievements - which fizzle out after you've gotten your first mech - and double HC weekends.) 9,000/450 is 20. 20 games. TDM usually nears the ten minute mark each game - MA and Siege are usually a fair amount longer. 200 minutes of playing. 3.333333333333333333333333333333333333 hours in game - not in the menus. In game.

By adopting your current business model, you are telling me that you have that much confidence in your game being fun for 3.3 hours not including the mandatory 1 minute wait between games, ready up wait, pre-match wait and other menu nonsense that will easily add up to an extra forty minutes to an hour and also excluding the tutorial of playing - while using your most average, unremarkable mech.

Not only that, but you are telling me that once that player hits >9,000HC, you have the confidence that if they choose a mech that they do not like playing, they will be comfortable either playing that mech, or the same mech they've already been playing, for another 3.3 hours.

I wish that were the case, but it is not. It is really, really not. It is not the case on a good day, and it's certainly not the case when you have 2-400 CCUs spread out over the world, meaning that every third or fourth game, new players are going to get absolutely annihilated by players who have been playing much, much longer and have the option to use any mech they want.


CapnJosh, (lead producer of Hawken currently and the guy calling the shots) in a recent interview you've fully admitted that Hawken takes more than a week of playing to click. I do not understand why giving players the choice to try and find a mech that clicks with them is not at the top of your list of things to do.

The image you are conveying is pay to win, even though by strict definition, Hawken is not. Your model is overzealous, and it's time for a change.

2. Better Game Modes

TDM is fine. It's what it is. DM is fine. It's also what it is. But you know what, they shouldn't be what I'm looking for every time I play. MA and Siege are... MA is Halo 2's territories re-skinned with missiles. That was easily the least played game mode of its time. Other than king of the hill -which is mechanically speaking, Siege when you subtract some details.

MA and Siege are both variants of the King of the Hill game mode. There's a place for it, but the core of KotH gameplay is that you fight around a couple of set points. If you're going to build a game mode like that, the points you fight around better be freaking awesome to fight around.

They're not. "Oh look, we have to go fight on the AA on Origin for the 4 millionth time. Wait, there's five or six people on it? Time to coordinate! Wait, how? (see point 3)"

Variants of CTF and Reverse CTF, like CS's hostage rescue and defuse missions are proven game modes. They are things that people like. They offer usage of the entire map for the purpose of an objective. Granted, it's better with VOIP (see point three).

Here's an idea I had a while back. There are others, but one of the important things to address is that mechs have varying speed. We shouldn't allow that to break the game by having a Raider boost in and out and we're done, but we also shouldn't disable the core mechanics of fast mechs that are "capturing" the flag.

Hawken with reduced TTK is also surprisingly fun, and while it's not "Hawken" per se, we should still be able to see it pop up from time to time.

Additionally concepts like single life rounds need to be looked at - it would make mech composition each and every round that much more critical and thought invoking.

3. In Game Voice

It's been discussed a lot. There's actually a contingent of people who don't view it as necessary - however it's really expected that in this day and age, a game with the level of finish that Hawken has can cobble together a freaking functional voice system.

a) For anything more complicated than TDM and DM, it's practically essential to coordinate timings and convey positional knowledge

b) It will monumentally increase the skill ceiling in matchmade games.

c) It looks really sloppy to not have. It should not be released or advertised without this basic functionality.

You can string together any number of reasons why you don't need it, but 9 times out of 10, I have more fun playing with people on the TeamSpeak than playing solo.

4. Variation In Internals

I don't see this suggestion very much, but it does need to be addressed sooner or later. It stems from the fact that currently mechs and weapons sort of occupy the niche of "collectibles". You get a mech, get three weapons, and move on to the next one. I don't think, based on balance issues in the past, that introducing more weapons for each mech is a feasible way to go about this. Balance issues become tied to each and every mech, the number of combinations to address become staggering, and it inspires a total recall of the system.

Internals on the other hand, can be adjusted individually and added and removed on their own without too much fuss if they truly become broken.

But, they need some real variation, not just conditional stat tweaks. AC is a fantastic start, currently there's no middle or finish. Practically everything but AC is a pure bonus when in use, and is largely relegated to the area of stat tweaks. This is a mech game. I know it's not a simulator, but deeper customization is sought after, and currently this fuzzy bunny is boring.

Here are some stupid ideas to get the wheels turning.

Here's an acceptable framework for internals.

5. Introduction of Market Characteristics to the Economy

A full scale market like that of CS GO and other Valve games is simply not feasible at this point and requires either an art team fully dedicated to such a thing, or a much larger community - but that doesn't mean certain elements wouldn't be beneficial to Reloaded and the community at large

Gifting MC comes to mind obviously, but trading or purchasing fully outfitted mechs or camos is also in the realm of possibility.

However the spark for the market discussion was actually really simple. During the "Love Wins Event" reloaded enabled the purchase of several camos for practically nothing. My bet is they saw in increase in MC purchase, or at the very least, a huge jump in average camos purchased per period of time while that event was in effect.

If people feel like they are getting a good deal on something, they are more likely to spend money. Now, you don't need to consistently lower prices for certain camos to the low double digits of MC, as that event did, but doing randomized offers per player per period of time whereby prices for certain camos or cockpit decorations are reduced in price could seriously incentivize the purchasing of MC.

Of course, what might help the most is simply adding to the camos and allowing the community to design some of them.

If you're properly addressing the P2W scenario, stuff like this is actually super important.

6. Better Maps

The maps we have aren't awful. They're somewhat creative, visually appealing, and at least the size is about right for most of them - but I can't escape the feeling of staleness that comes from a lot of them.

I'm not a map designer, and have no real experience critiquing maps, so this is a pretty short section, but especially for most objective game modes, building in the concept of "lanes" is crucial. Hawken doesn't really have those. It has cover. There are some places where lanes exist for a very brief length of space, but then just evaporate into scattered cover. Most lanes that do exist (like tunnels in origin) are basically just extended chokepoints. Surprisingly, Uptown is an example of a map with at least a few lanes done rather well.

Of course, verticality needs to be built in to this concept given Hawken's gameplay, but in general a redesign of most maps is in order.

If someone knows better, I'm open to suggestions, I just can't escape the feeling that the maps are designed to just bounce around cover in different areas, rather than (with the exception of a few cases) fight over map control.


7. Tutorial Improvement

This one barely made the main list here, but I really do think that as long as there's not a huge community generating all sorts of guides and passing around knowledge every other game, that some of the finer details of playing really do need to be touched on in order to keep people from rage-uninstalling.

Simple L dodges escape our current tutorial, as well as practically all instruction on how to play gametypes like Siege. A mid level player's input would be appreciated here. I recall the tutorial being quite lacking, but it's been a while since I went through it, and at the level of play that I'm writing this at, a lot of basic stuff isn't at the forefront of my head rather than instinctively built into my playing.

Regardless, Hawken does have a pretty high skill ceiling in terms of pure engagement combat, and the tutorial we have basically just tells you how to press buttons.


Hyginos has kindly linked me to some ideas that S9 made a few months ago, which I think are a handy stepping stone.

8.0. Spectator Mode

This is kind of a weird place on the list. It's not wholly necessary. It won't help making gameplay more fun, and it won't incentivize buying into the game - on its own.

But the impact it could have is drastic. Hawken is fun to watch, or at least it can be. It's fast paced, there are in any given minute, hundreds of small decisions being made on either team in an organized match, and there is already an established top tier of players and teams with their own rivalries, structures, and unique talents and histories being brought to the battlefield.

Properly implemented, spectator mode could give birth to a casting experience that rivals that of Starcraft 2. (If you've ever played it, watching pro matches is just absurd and engaging on another level.)

It desperately needs the ability to see which silos are capped and by whom as well as player names and possibly even internal/item setups on the sides. It needs to be faster when boosting, and it very much needs to be smaller. As it stands, it doesn't fit through chokepoints as small as the central (orange) choke between S2 and Stage on Wreckage, forcing the spectator to fly all the way around and miss critical engagements.

Adding things like whiteboard maps (maps you can draw on) that also display player position are important as well.



8.1 Miscellaneous

A grab bag of suggestions that are worth looking into, and having a few of them taken care of prior to release would be something of a boon, but individually not things that I deem crucial to my vision of Hawken's economic success via player retention and payment restructuring.

New mechs would be neat, but currently stuff is pretty balanced.

Balance tweaks (just tweaks) could be good in the realm of certain items/sustained weapons, TTK (maybe).

Clan support. Not necessary off the bat, but really should be implemented.

Those. Goddamn. Sticky. Walls. (There's an especially strange one on Test Arena that drains your fuel when you boost into it. I hope to god that's not found in other maps, because it's freaking ridiculous.)

In the same vein, this thread is worth a look.

Projectiles should exist after the player dies. Really.

Reduce in between game wait times.


Scanner still grants omniscient levels of information to an entire team over a certain area for a significant period of time. No other item (that you don't have to aim or one that has a lasting effect) offers the ability to effect an entire team to such a degree.


There's more, clearly, but no game is perfect.


Now look at this. This is some serious time and money that needs to be put into this game in order to get the game to the dreamland that ADH and MTR wanted. I don't have your solution for how to get there. It's a lot of work, but each and every one of these needs to be addressed in order to create a game that both retains players and makes you money.



9. The Ad Campaign

Superbowl Sunday, on my 65 inch TV, surround sound on and everything, there's a fade to black before a sequence of axe feet thump across a grainy city setting. As the dust settles, the camera snaps to a sky view with multiple battleships in position overhead - the sound of a missile in flight builds behind me before striking one of the lowest ships and it goes down before, I mean. What the hell. There's so much visual awesome that can be applied here. Obviously don't do SuperBowl Sunday. The return on that would be crap considering the inverse relationship between how into PC games someone is vs how much sports they watch.

Don't start with an overambitious live action series. Don't do some grassroots advertising movement, do what works while you still can. If you wind up with the money and have the room to experiment, then go for it, but take your cues from PC games that have made it.

Without some sort of release and advertising venture, there's little cause for people to try the game out. There's no more hype for Hawken as it stands. A few months before release, return to closed beta so people aren't just coming in willy nilly - build anticiption, and give them something worth unveiling.

Work from the perspective of this game still being in Beta, and finish it.

Oh yeah.

Unlock the damn servers.

Edited by ticklemyiguana, 07 September 2015 - 07:06 PM.

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I read the entire post :thumbsup:  and Tickle hit many of the issues facing Reloaded right on the head like a laser guided tow missile !


I'm sure Reloaded is aware of many of these things, but it's great to see a reminder like this coming from a community member that views what the game needs for the future.


DAMN ! ...I hate those sticky walls and weapons not firing at times (usually at the worst possible moment) :yucky: 


*+ *+ *+

  • Guns_N_Rozer likes this

Just Relax....and take life one game at a time....

Don't run to your death....walk


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This kind of comments doesn't help anyone.

But yeah, I pretty much agree on tweaking all these things, but i've been asking people new to the game if they liked it. They did but eveyone said that "it needs more content to be added".

I'm seeing a big update coming soon, for now i'm pretty satisfied to see that Hawken is getting attention with the weekly updates regarding servers and netcode.

Edited by thedark20, 30 August 2015 - 11:32 AM.


Steel everywhere~



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But yeah, I pretty much agree on tweaking all these things, but i've been asking people new to the game if they liked it. They did but eveyone said that "it needs more content to be added".

I'm seeing a big update coming soon, for now i'm pretty satisfied to see that Hawken is getting attention with the weekly updates regarding servers and netcode.


Content is definitely important, but my perspective is that the game is still in beta, and for good reason. Many people saying this are viewing the game from an already released/not going to get any better perspective.


When people say new content, it's usually maps and mechs. Maps I think need a real redesign for the most part, and I think with the appropriate internal changes, the need for new mechs will be postponed until after the release, if needed at all.

Edited by ticklemyiguana, 30 August 2015 - 11:37 AM.

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This kind of comments doesn't help anyone.


You're just new here ...

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The PC community is the red headed step child Reloaded never wanted but got saddled with when they married the PC community's mother.


Shoutout to mah real Africans out there.



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Please don't spam threads. Especially those that took an hour or two to make.

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Very well written. While we're at it, I'd like to add one crucial thing:


10. Spectator Mode


To give you an idea of what kind of a spectator mode I have in mind, let me show you a screenshot of this mode in World of Tanks:






Here you have the map, the score and the tanks (=mechs), as well as the cooldown and damage indicators.

Edited by DerMax, 30 August 2015 - 11:52 AM.

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Those. Goddamn. Sticky. Walls. (There's an especially strange one on Test Arena that drains your fuel when you boost into it. I hope to god that's not found in other maps, because it's freaking ridiculous.)



There was a thread where we were discussing this funny fuel-draining-edges. Some maps have them. E.g. Front Line - at the landing area of those pads.

Edited by 1uster, 30 August 2015 - 11:55 AM.



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Very well written. While we're at it, I'd like to add one crucial thing:


10. Spectator Mode


To give you an idea of what kind of a spectator mode I have in mind, let me show you a screenshot of this mode in World of Tanks:






Here you have the map, the score and the tanks (=mechs), as well as the cooldown and damage indicators.

Duh. That's going to be 7.5 8.0.

Edited by ticklemyiguana, 30 August 2015 - 12:52 PM.





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This again means that the grind must be significantly reduced, because at this point you are relying on the game being fun enough to play for that period of time with a single mech.



fair to say, that it is highly dependent on the first mech on which you are playing/buy (i mean your first mech choice)
for example, i enjoy ranked Brawler. it is not hard for me, it is fun. Assault, Grenadier, Scout - it is fun. in the same time increase Bruiser rank - it is nightmare for me. i can't kill no one, i slow, i die like a babaji. (don't get me wrong, i have a positive k/d on bruiser, but it is very not interesting when you trying get 6 rank). mech like ripper, SS, predator. these mechs not for me. probably, if i buy it first, i will be a very sad.

yes, some one buy predator first, and maybe get some fun from this (although I strongly doubt, lol), or buy a brawler and will be annoyed. it depends entirely on the player's taste, but...



send link to this topic to devs.


Hawken with reduced TTK is also surprisingly fun


i really enjoy this time since steam patch, but ADH added HP to mechs and destroy this "super-fast-one-hit-kill" gameplay =(

Edited by nepacaka, 30 August 2015 - 12:36 PM.

Kompotka 3000. 2D ha?ken game: https://community.pl...ve/?hl=kompotka

Interceptor, B-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...itdefence-mech/

Challenger, C-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...ccepted-thread/

G2-Brawler, C-class mech concept: https://community.pl...pacaka-is-here/

Kinetik, B-class mech concept: https://community.pl...ass-shotgunner/

Melter, A-class mech concept: https://community.pl...-class-support/



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Your goal should be to get Hawken to a point where it is sustainable on solely cosmetic purchases - meaning eliminating the ability to purchase mechs with MC entirely. This again means that the grind must be significantly reduced, because at this point you are relying on the game being fun enough to play for that period of time with a single mech.



I like this.



Those. Goddamn. Sticky. Walls. (There's an especially strange one on Test Arena that drains your fuel when you boost into it. I hope to god that's not found in other maps, because it's freaking ridiculous.)



Can we make this #1 priority instead?

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On the map part, it would be interesting to see heat maps of the current maps, might be good for a laugh.


Biggest problem balance wise I feel has always been Health vs Speed and Burst vs Sustain. I don't think they have balanced that out yet and I'm not quite sure that's possible with the current mech system.


I do wish that walls were actually reliable to bounce stuff off of and not have a 45 degree shot off a "flat" surface bounce a grenade back at your face.


Question: How long does a task have to be to be referred to as a "grind". I've played games where it took several months to an hour to complete something and all of them have been referred to as a grind.

Edited by Sylhiri, 30 August 2015 - 12:50 PM.



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On the map part, it would be interesting to see heat maps of the current maps, might be good for a laugh.


Biggest problem balance wise I feel has always been Health vs Speed and Burst vs Sustain. I don't think they have balanced that out yet and I'm not quite sure that's possible with the current mech system.


I do wish that walls were actually reliable to bounce stuff off of and not have a 45 degree shot off a "flat" surface bounce a grenade back at your face.


Question: How long does a task have to be to be referred to as a "grind". I've played games where it took several months to an hour to complete something and all of them have been referred to as a grind.


From a marketing standpoint, a grind is whatever the consumer considers to be a grind. Its connotation is generally negative, but is usually a byproduct of doing standard things, like playing the game, in order to attain something of value. In the case of the RPG, and to a lesser extent, games that require achievements to unlock items, a grind can just as easily be a series of story oriented (optional) tasks that need to be completed before gaining something of value.


Length of time isn't really a factor as much as how tedious it feels versus reward. If I have to queue up for 20 TDMs just to get an item that may or may not impact me positively - that's grindy as hell. (See: ADH's model.)

Edited by ticklemyiguana, 30 August 2015 - 01:12 PM.





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For mech prices I've been thinking for a while they should be set to 7200hc and 720mc.




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For mech prices I've been thinking for a while they should be set to 7200hc and 720mc.

There should be no mc prices for anything non-cosmetic.

  • 1uster, Superkamikazee and DeeRax like this



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For mech prices I've been thinking for a while they should be set to 7200hc and 720mc.

On its own, I feel it's a step in the right direction, but without that initial choice, it still means someone is going to be stuck playing assault for 20 games or so(this time taking the more realistic approach - I wrote 1.1 after this comment) (ignoring achievements, as it only really affects your first purchase). 20 games at an average of 10 minutes apiece is over three hours of playing - not including the amount of time spent in menus and whatnot. In those three hours, its practically a guarantee that they're going to get decimated by some players in other mechs, many times over.


Then they go and choose a mech they think is cool, and if it doesn't fit their playstyle, then they're going to either be stuck using the same mech another three hours, or switch back and forth at a lower gain because they're scoring less.


This is a really crap way to do things. At least giving a player an assault + three mechs of their choosing (in combination with some instructions to choose them over a bit of time and not just pick three mechs at random) allows the player to have some options.


When I got into Hawken, I didn't know it was free to play. I saw a 30 dollar pack for the infil, SS, and Vanguard, and I really have no idea how I would have felt about the game if I had just jumped into its F2P model. Out of the four mechs available to me (CRT as well) I disliked all but the SS at the time. I had four mechs. I happened to like playing only one of them at the time.


Those are pretty poor odds. The feel of each and every mech is different from any other mech, and by something of a long shot. (CRT/Assault notwithstanding) and funneling all the players into a single, really generalized format, when one of the areas in which the game shines is in its diversity is - I can't put into words how inept of a business model it appears to be. 

Edited by ticklemyiguana, 30 August 2015 - 04:24 PM.





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From a marketing standpoint, a grind is whatever the consumer considers to be a grind. Its connotation is generally negative, but is usually a byproduct of doing standard things, like playing the game, in order to attain something of value. In the case of the RPG, and to a lesser extent, games that require achievements to unlock items, a grind can just as easily be a series of story oriented (optional) tasks that need to be completed before gaining something of value.


Length of time isn't really a factor as much as how tedious it feels versus reward. If I have to queue up for 20 TDMs just to get an item that may or may not impact me positively - that's grindy as hell. (See: ADH's model.)


I find that people have different opinions on how much of a grind is in a lot of games. Those coming from old school mmorpg's could find that working towards something for months even years is acceptable while new players with a lower time investment say that anything past the one hour they play a weekend is a grind. Most developers I've seen use "grinds" or caps to superficially extend content in hopes of gaining more money (on exp/hc boosts) or so that the content lasts long enough until they can produce more content.



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Added sections 1.1 and 8.0.



I find that people have different opinions on how much of a grind is in a lot of games. Those coming from old school mmorpg's could find that working towards something for months even years is acceptable while new players with a lower time investment say that anything past the one hour they play a weekend is a grind. 


Guess which is the more lucrative market.


Most developers I've seen use "grinds" or caps to superficially extend content in hopes of gaining more money (on exp/hc boosts) or so that the content lasts long enough until they can produce more content.


It's not necessary, and does not help the pay to win illusion - which Hawken has. The gamble is that the game is engaging enough to new players that instead of quitting, they'll buy into it. This is not an easy game to be good at. When you take this plus section 1.1, Reloaded is betting against the dealer.

Edited by ticklemyiguana, 30 August 2015 - 01:46 PM.





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Will read tonight. Looking forward to it.



Salvage: An Idea to Stop Leavers

Player Retention & Howken


[14:31] <Crafty> I know that in my balls
[14:32] <Crafty> hawken is unlike anything Ive played





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I couldn't agree more on section 1.1! New players don't get the sense of variety that Hawken provides, not at all.



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Added sections 1.1 and 8.0.

It's not necessary, and does not help the pay to win illusion - which Hawken has. The gamble is that the game is engaging enough to new players that instead of quitting, they'll buy into it. This is not an easy game to be good at. When you take this plus section 1.1, Reloaded is betting against the dealer.


Your suggestions are good for the game and would help better it but I think it's just scratching the surface. Acceptable for bringing in new blood (and hopefully keeping them) but there are still a lot of things nagging if you go deeper. If you were to make a list for both new and old players I think it would take hours with weeks of debate, lol.



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Keep this thread bumped with good discussion until real changes start to happen and then some.  This is all spot on, well explained, and most importantly, correct.

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Fantastic thread. Great content, well thought out, just a touch aggressive. I like it. Buuuuuut...


...you know I don't give out compliments for free.


Nothing in here is implementable except 1.0 and 1.1. Which should absolutely be addressed, I agree, and your ideas area step in the right direction.


Nothing else is in Reloaded's capability right now and at their current rate of hire, will not be possible until the new year.


Bookmark the thread and when the devs announce they have a team that can actually tackle these things, repost it.


Also, a TV commercial would cost about half the salary of a programmer. Not advisable.



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mechs/weapons/everything should all have a mc cost alongside the hc cost. A good portion of income from free to play games is from allowing shortcuts to content that you can get over time for free. These paid for short cuts are often misconstrued as pay 2 win and sometimes can be considered so if the free grind takes to long. AKA what happened with Hawken. It is a balancing act that devs have to stay on top of. Players have to feel like they are climbing a hill to get mechs for free, not a cliff/mountain. While at the same time having an appropriately priced elevator to the same mech dangled in their faces. Something ADH kind of dropped mid balancing act. Reloaded has done great balancing hc/mc options so far.


Axing the MC shortcuts for content would be financial suicide for Hawken.


A suggestion for improvement would be revising exp/hc boosts time/costs to be by hours of gameplay rather than simple global multiday countdowns. Makes the consumer feel like they are getting their moneys worth that way and not pressured to play to the point of being disillusioned. Battlefield and dirty bomb plus some other games have really cashed in on this model. Also pump out more new stuff for people to buy with MC (cosmetics) and more mechs/weapons that people can shortcut to with MC.


Honestly, I think spectator mode should be one of the first features worked on. It will help a few things that Hawken struggles with.


Itemization of how I think it would benefit Hawken.


1. Change mid/low tier/non players perception of Hawken (p2w, high tier players are hackers, low skill game, certain mechs are up/op, etc) by better showing how amazing and competitive Hawken can be.

2. Hawken is a great looking game. Would show this better.

3. Would allow for more community promotion of Hawken through better looking, more watchable, gameplay videos/broadcasts.

4. Better tool to refine gameplay with. In my opinion, spectator/replay capabilities in any game raises the skill ceiling/avg skill. 

5. Would add more value to having private servers

6. Community tutorials would be ezpz


Other than my previous comments. Pretty good sum up op.

Edited by CounterlogicMan, 30 August 2015 - 06:49 PM.

Axe-Attack Check us out! Stream I stream spasmodically.

TPG Hawken Admin.

TPG 3 has concluded! If you are interested in participating in TPG Season 4 gather a group and form a team or try and join an existing team! Stay tuned to the forums for updates on the details of TPG Season 4.




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From a marketing standpoint, a grind is whatever the consumer considers to be a grind. Its connotation is generally negative, but is usually a byproduct of doing standard things, like playing the game, in order to attain something of value. In the case of the RPG, and to a lesser extent, games that require achievements to unlock items, a grind can just as easily be a series of story oriented (optional) tasks that need to be completed before gaining something of value.


Length of time isn't really a factor as much as how tedious it feels versus reward. If I have to queue up for 20 TDMs just to get an item that may or may not impact me positively - that's grindy as hell. (See: ADH's model.)


My work week is a GRIND !  :wallbash:



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Just Relax....and take life one game at a time....

Don't run to your death....walk


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Fantastic thread. Great content, well thought out, just a touch aggressive. I like it. Buuuuuut...


...you know I don't give out compliments for free.


Nothing in here is implementable except 1.0 and 1.1. Which should absolutely be addressed, I agree, and your ideas area step in the right direction.


Nothing else is in Reloaded's capability right now and at their current rate of hire, will not be possible until the new year.


Bookmark the thread and when the devs announce they have a team that can actually tackle these things, repost it.


Also, a TV commercial would cost about half the salary of a programmer. Not advisable.


Just a road map. Not saying "fix this now". It's here to show the community that turning Hawken around is a massive undertaking, and also to provide some food for thought for reloaded - especially 1.1.



mechs/weapons/everything should all have a mc cost alongside the hc cost. A good portion of income from free to play games is from allowing shortcuts to content that you can get over time for free. These paid for short cuts are often misconstrued as pay 2 win and sometimes can be considered so if the free grind takes to long. AKA what happened with Hawken. It is a balancing act that devs have to stay on top of. Players have to feel like they are climbing a hill to get mechs for free, not a cliff/mountain. While at the same time having an appropriately priced elevator to the same mech dangled in their faces. Something ADH kind of dropped mid balancing act. Reloaded has done great balancing hc/mc options so far.


Axing the MC shortcuts for content would be financial suicide for Hawken.


I'm not fully convinced it's necessary - but neither opinion has significant evidence until we see hard data on whether or not people are purchasing them, and how much. I'd infinitely prefer barring mechs from being fully purchasable for MC, but allowing significant HC and XP boosters purchasable - that is if the grind system isn't fully restructured to something different. I would also be ok with allowing mechs to be purchased in a similar manner as the cosmetic suggestions under 5 - but through no other direct means.


That also may stimulate some MC purchases if players feel as if they are getting a good deal.




Honestly, I think spectator mode should be one of the first features worked on. It will help a few things that Hawken struggles with.


Itemization of how I think it would benefit Hawken.


1. Change mid/low tier/non players perception of Hawken (p2w, high tier players are hackers, low skill game, certain mechs are up/op, etc) by better showing how amazing and competitive Hawken can be.

2. Hawken is a great looking game. Would show this better.

3. Would allow for more community promotion of Hawken through better looking, more watchable, gameplay videos/broadcasts.

4. Better tool to refine gameplay with. In my opinion, spectator/replay capabilities in any game raises the skill ceiling/avg skill. 

5. Would add more value to having private servers

6. Community tutorials would be ezpz


I think spectator is important, but I think we need to prove that we can use it effectively first. I don't think it's top priority to work on at this very moment (though I do think something like a simple speed tweak might not be the most difficult thing right now) but if they were to, it could pay off. In my completely speculative opinion, it is the most risky item to work on in terms of the amount of time spent at such an early stage.



Your suggestions are good for the game and would help better it but I think it's just scratching the surface. Acceptable for bringing in new blood (and hopefully keeping them) but there are still a lot of things nagging if you go deeper. If you were to make a list for both new and old players I think it would take hours with weeks of debate, lol.


I'd be interested in hearing what deeper issues you believe need to be addressed.


Matchmaking came to mind, but frankly we have no idea how it works under a large, stable playerbase, and tinkering with it beyond simply unlocking the servers may have as many negative effects as positive. The gameplay itself has already had enough surgery, and most of us I think would agree that it is actually really fun if you can get the conditions right.

Edited by ticklemyiguana, 30 August 2015 - 08:10 PM.





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To be honest, most of this is fairly good as a plan, though i doubt reloaded is gonna sink the umpteen million $ for 30s on a Superbowl commercial just yet. Even when the game has a full team, some more content, and fewer bugs and is ready for an add campaign, i don't see it. 


The map staleness i feel comes from the fact that there are not a lot of them, and so the rotation starts to feel stale. i think there is room for a few maps similar to origin that use vertically as a feature. 


A voice chat could really help in pub matches, assuming we can keep the mute for the swearing 12 year olds (if that upsets you then you're probably one of them)


I think more new mechs for new players would help, though i think some guidance with this is important, because lots of people are drawn to the pred but don't get what they expect.


As far as the P2W, those illusions need addressing, Reloaded has done good so far though, and i trust them for it, i look forward to more cosmetics tbh.

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"but the dead horse has been beaten so many times it's practically a pulpy mess in the barn by now."




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moba game mode :P



Edited by dorobo, 31 August 2015 - 12:01 AM.

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moba game mode :P

We have siege for that, lol... Just without creeps



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maybe.. but it's not that.



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i think a thorough and sophisticated clan system needs to be implemented as well, ADH were talking about it but they never go around to it. i think that type of thing is more important than people realize. in game there is no way of telling who is in a clan ect. the TPG people have been matching mech skins, and we have been recognized that way. casuals need a reason to stay and seeing clan people is a good way to do that. noobs aspire to play with the big kids and sit at the cool kids table, and showing clan stuff is a good way to do that. if you need to, you can put certain clan actions behind a pay wall, like forming a clan or emblem submission, ect. make it cheap though. a pay wall is a good way to keep every moron from creating random clans

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pump out cosmetics like your life depended on it. i want more cute bobble heads :( just give me more pretty colors to play with and you can have all my monies

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Regarding point 2, the devs need to be careful not to simply add more modes. If new modes are created, dropiing MA or Siege is a must. The player base is too small to simply add another mode will just split the player base further. Games like Halo The MCC are having this issue. Too many modes, shrinking player base, servers are not filling up.
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No crew



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I'd be interested in hearing what deeper issues you believe need to be addressed.


Over the years I've been contemplating the mech system (A/B/C) and how, like in other games, they try to balance Speed vs Health. But the problem surfaces when people get good enough at aiming the advantages of speed lowers and health becomes much more valuable then speed in a fight. This has been a problem since Hawken went into at least Closed Beta, A class had more advantages then C class as it had enough health to last a fight with the heavier classes but it had a lower dodge cooldown so it can mitigate projectile damage (mostly secondary). The game has been playing with speed and health stats ever since and it hasn't really balanced out. To overcome the health disadvantage you generally need to be more skilled then your opponent, which is fine until you face someone of near equal skill.


Items are another factor in this, mostly the Shield and Health Charge which have been under numerous adjustments as well. Health Charge, Shield and EMP have been the go to items since they were brought in. Generally these three contribute to longer life in a fight while other items are damage or resource drains. With these items you have two sources to regenerate health, then add internals and Technician which comes to a potential four sources of health. Now if you have large amounts of health recovery paired with large amounts of health, battles start to quickly slow down, so you have to nerf health sources, buff weapon damage or nerf mech health.


Another thing is the difference between weapons, Burst vs Sustain, which has been a problem since the start just like Health vs Speed. For a very long time burst has been better then sustain to the point of ridicule until around the time that air compressors came in. It's not just the air compressors but sustain generally got buffed as well while burst stayed the same. Over time the community started to turn to sustain as they found out it was as good if not better then burst. A large part of this change I believe is due to ADH not fully understanding the significance of their changes. The game was built on a set of rules, one of these rules is that if you fly in the air you gain a height advantage but your much more vulnerable. Flying was a way to get on top of objects and it was not sustainable or practical to fight in the air. As such all of the maps (as you touch on) was made for ground combat.


A lot of the cover is equal or a little higher then mech height, this is one of the reasons why Burst was dominating over Sustain as there was little time to fully DPS without getting in line of sight, something which I believe was the reason that the older Sustain mechs had a secondary burst option and generally had more health then mechs made for Burst damage. They didn't fix Burst vs Sustain, they just flipped the balance around. Since they didn't change maps, Burst loses the amount of cover it once had due to the new flight combat. Since Burst has lower DPS and removing cover turns a peek-a-boo fight into a DPS race, Sustain gains the advantage.


Generally when you ask people how balanced the game is they say "The game is pretty balanced", which seems like it's more in the most broad sense. I find if you ask them "what about this mechanic, weapon, item, internal, stat" and really ask them to pick apart the game they find a lot of little things. Thing is, those little things add up and since a lot of mechanics, weapons, items, internals and stats are linked together in some way it starts to add up into something bigger yet not  noticeable.



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pump out cosmetics like your life depended on it. i want more cute bobble heads :( just give me more pretty colors to play with and you can have all my monies


I'm waiting for a Hula dancer in a grass skirt for my dashboard.



Just Relax....and take life one game at a time....

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Over the years I've been contemplating the mech system (A/B/C) and how, like in other games, they try to balance Speed vs Health. But the problem surfaces when people get good enough at aiming the advantages of speed lowers and health becomes much more valuable then speed in a fight. This has been a problem since Hawken went into at least Closed Beta, A class had more advantages then C class as it had enough health to last a fight with the heavier classes but it had a lower dodge cooldown so it can mitigate projectile damage (mostly secondary). The game has been playing with speed and health stats ever since and it hasn't really balanced out. To overcome the health disadvantage you generally need to be more skilled then your opponent, which is fine until you face someone of near equal skill.


I think the problem here is minimal at the moment, and is more a result of the existing game modes. In strict TDM, having two equally skilled teams (at the high end of play), one full of heavies and one full of lights, the heavies will win more often than not, because as a team of light mechs, there's not much of an effective way to deal with a coordinated mass of that much health. However, even still, a team that plays a variety of mechs often has the advantage over a team that plays strictly heavy mechs, as light mechs are more capable of flanking or scouting for information or delivering a well placed EMP.


In a 1v1 scenario, I'd tend to agree, but in team settings - especially in objective based settings, having a variety is desirable. If Reloaded were to implement even further game modes, I'm not sure this would be an issue at all. My personal perception of this is that it's close to being balanced as it is - just not for 1v1 engagements.




Items are another factor in this, mostly the Shield and Health Charge which have been under numerous adjustments as well. Health Charge, Shield and EMP have been the go to items since they were brought in. Generally these three contribute to longer life in a fight while other items are damage or resource drains. With these items you have two sources to regenerate health, then add internals and Technician which comes to a potential four sources of health. Now if you have large amounts of health recovery paired with large amounts of health, battles start to quickly slow down, so you have to nerf health sources, buff weapon damage or nerf mech health.


Health orbs, sure - and lets not forget that scanners give everyone on your team near omniscient information in an area for a lengthy period of time - but game breaking? Necessary to change in order to build a playerbase? I'm not sold.




Another thing is the difference between weapons, Burst vs Sustain, which has been a problem since the start just like Health vs Speed. For a very long time burst has been better then sustain to the point of ridicule until around the time that air compressors came in. It's not just the air compressors but sustain generally got buffed as well while burst stayed the same. Over time the community started to turn to sustain as they found out it was as good if not better then burst. A large part of this change I believe is due to ADH not fully understanding the significance of their changes. The game was built on a set of rules, one of these rules is that if you fly in the air you gain a height advantage but your much more vulnerable. Flying was a way to get on top of objects and it was not sustainable or practical to fight in the air. As such all of the maps (as you touch on) was made for ground combat.


A lot of the cover is equal or a little higher then mech height, this is one of the reasons why Burst was dominating over Sustain as there was little time to fully DPS without getting in line of sight, something which I believe was the reason that the older Sustain mechs had a secondary burst option and generally had more health then mechs made for Burst damage. They didn't fix Burst vs Sustain, they just flipped the balance around. Since they didn't change maps, Burst loses the amount of cover it once had due to the new flight combat. Since Burst has lower DPS and removing cover turns a peek-a-boo fight into a DPS race, Sustain gains the advantage.


Burst vs sustain is mentioned above, but after some level of map redesign I'd think it to be even more negligible than it already is. I'm also having a difficult time visualizing many areas of cover that are easy to fly over without giving you a huge disadvantage in fuel already - in addition to the fuel that air compressor uses. Bazaar seems to be a map vulnerable to this, but little else


All in all, I'm just not convinced that there are game breaking balance issues present, either individually or as a combination of little issues - I believe the small ones that do exist could be mitigated, both through direct manipulation, or through game mode/map redesign, but if we're going the latter route, it will have an impact on balance regardless. I won't put any of those issues on this list, because in my opinion, none of those are significant or deep to the level that they must be fixed before considering the game released - and doing so would be putting the cart before the horse.

Edited by ticklemyiguana, 07 September 2015 - 11:49 AM.





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Better feedback when hitting a enemy. Maybe adding volume slider for hitsounds in options. Small change but I just feel that im not always sure if my shots are connecting or not.



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I think someone who actually knows what they are doing needs to write up a list of points very clear and concisely about the state of P2W, starting off by defining P2W, breaking it down into a few points, and then specifically addressing each point. We could then link it on the main menu for all the new players to see, and they would click on it and cry a bit about how wrong they were and move on with their lives.


Secondly, I think the tutorial should be updated, showing a move as done by an elite player vs. a nub. A nub might dodge around a corner and get hit by a tow because he was still on cool down, while a veteran might boost around, see the tow coming, and dodge back behind cover because he never used his dodge to get around the corner to begin with. If you point out the difference in tactics between differently skilled players, then some misconceptions might be cleared up. Also in the tutorial it should be stated that skill comes with insight which comes with playing the game. ALSO, it should be stated that all mechs are just as good as their pilot, and some aren't better than others. We will try to pretend that the G2 assault is just as good as the other mechs until it's dps is fixed.


The G2 thing was a joke, by the way. However, it kind of really needs to be addressed.

I am MM


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