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Mech Ability Customization with HC credits

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The main idea - you can buy and choose alternative abilities for every mech, the same like primary weapon choice. Let say, you should buy it for 4000 or 5000 HC (maybe 3000 HC).
you probably know, that some mechs have a "best weapon loadout", which is working more great with mech ability, or working super-bad with ability. For example, Flak-brawler, and his turret mode, which working not really good, or reaper with slug, which have useless ability due the slug have 0 spread and can't miss. (but it is not the point)

Just for examples:

1) Brawler:
Default Ability - Turret Mode, +30% front armor, -20% back armor, + HP regen.
Alternative Ability - Turret Mode, +55% front armor, -50% back armor, +35% boost speed while turret, No HP regen.

- Default Turret mode is a slow tank, can be good with SA-Hawkins, sit on top of AA and be a "king of assist", or use Flak, got a high front armor and turret-speed, be sudden, but no HP regen. it is a one-way ticket for you... and for your enemy :C

2) Reaper 
Default Ability - +30-40% accuracy
Alternative Ability - +10% Boost speed on 10 sec.

- Use weapon spread bonus to increace your pathetic accuracy with RPR or SAMSAM, or be a man, use slug, and got some bonus speed while u use boost. aye.

3) CRT-recruit
Default Ability - Cooling unit
Alternative Ability - +% walking speed on 10 sec.

- Use standart cooling unit with AR, or use "Vulcan + Walking speed" combo, to shred some nubs into pieces, and pursuit everyone which u see.

4) Grenadier (this console sheet with 2 Rev-GL without bouncing)
Default Ability - Turret mode, +40% front armor, +25% splash radius, -10% damage
Alternative Ability - Turret mode, +40% front armor, +20% explosion damage, -20% splash radius

- Just choose between "massive damage", or "super splash". no compromise.

5) Raider
Default ability - Blitz - current +% bonus speed
Alternative Ability - Ricochet - on a 10 seconds all your weapons got an ability to "Ricochet" 1 more times (Reflak have 2 ricochets), very fast cooldown (about 10 sec). All ricochet bullets/grenades got +50% damage after ricochet. kill it with style.

- It is mean if you shoot KLA grenade in ground or wall, it bouncing like a Rev-GL. EOK mines or T32 also bouncing. MIRV projectiles increase its lifespan after ricochet.
i'm 90% sure you can got some Unexpected results with KLA+EOK ricochets behind the wall on origin, and deal 150% damage for some loser (or some scout one-shot xD). (p.s. Reflak have a +100% potencial damage, due the 2 ricochets (50%+50%))

6) Bruiser (fuzzy bunnyng bruiser, as i should say)
Default ability - +% bonus armor
Alternative ability - on a 8 sec enemies in 50m radius get a -15% armor. it is stacking with tech-redox (to -30% max)

- Be a ugly half-tank-mixed-range-what-i-should-do mech, or just be a team support-debaffer. ez.

Another crazy abilities variations for mechs:
7) Rocketer - Melee - Passive ability, +50% damage, (not turret mode), mech lose his ability to lock-on and guide missiles (straigh flight seeker, lol). can be great with EOK or Heat (for higher alphastrike). 

8) Vanguard - Fuel replenisher - +50% fuel tank, (old scout ability, without bonus speed, instead turret mode)

9) Civ - Lurcher - Destroying all enemy radar and scramblers in 90-100m radius. (trololo ability :D, working the same way like old countermeasures do. bacoz why not?)

10) Tech - Cavorite Aura - All teammates around you give a +10% bonus armor on 8-10 sec.
(i'm not sure how it wring, fuzzy bunny Covorite, Cavorite, Cavorit... well, this fuzzy bunny regenerating metal from lore)

11) Incinerator - Transfer heat - The same animation with current on, but lil faster, add your heat to all enemies around you. if you have 90% heat, very big chance that enemies just overheat and can't kill you (like they always do now with current ability :D)

12) Infiltrator - Hack - on a 10 sec have a "predator vision" (wall hack), but lose invisibilty and bonus speed.

13) G2-R (maradeur) - Tighter spread - on 10 sec. have a +10% fire rate, +50% min-max fallof damage, all weapons have -50% spread. it is mean, T32 can shoot on x2 far distances, with spread ~equal reflak35, MIRV spread is very accuracy, and KLA grenade flight with almost straight line trajectory like a TOW. can be fun :3

14) Bruiser - Warlord - increase all teammates armor on 15% on 8 sec in 100m radius, but not for himself. totally teambased ability. useless 1vs1.

etc. it is all about game balance and devs imagination.

it is probably can increase gameplay quality on some ugly, unplayable or not competitive mechs loadout, and also give a people some more things on which they can spent some HC credits.
also give you ability to change everything. (i like ricochet ability for raider, for all weapons, it can be really crazy and fresh gameplay. it is also can have some alternatives for mech like berserker (press F to win ability), but obviously, alternate abilities should not be "+% to damage" ability, bacoz if yes, everyone just equip this on mech, it is should working like "give a more advantages for mech wich alternative weapon loadout. 

The ability should emphasize the strength of the weapons/mechs, but not give advantages to existing very good weapon loadout. It can even be abilities that give both pluses and minuses.
For example - Assault mech: -50% maximum Falloff damage for weapon, but +10% fire rate. It's not a problem for SMC, and Vulcan, because it's close-combat weapons and your minimal falloff damage not suffer, but AR loses 50% damage from long range, and +10% fire rate for AR not so much, like for SMC or Vulcan, due to starting DPS For AR is a low.

U can also swap abilities after death (the same way like weapon), so you mech can be unexpected, and you also got some variations onto battlefield, or can be equip ability which more succes in current match (current map) for your opinion. it is great?

wat u tink guys?

Edited by nepacaka, 18 April 2017 - 12:47 PM.

  • diablo878, claisolais, Shoutaxeror and 2 others like this

Kompotka 3000. 2D ha?ken game: https://community.pl...ve/?hl=kompotka

Interceptor, B-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...itdefence-mech/

Challenger, C-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...ccepted-thread/

G2-Brawler, C-class mech concept: https://community.pl...pacaka-is-here/

Kinetik, B-class mech concept: https://community.pl...ass-shotgunner/

Melter, A-class mech concept: https://community.pl...-class-support/




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Excellent... As usual  :)   Creative and well thought out mate - would especially like the team buff abilities to try and keep teams together... it would be great to see changes like this in an update (and yeah, the fact that it would be great to get ANY update is a given)  


Keep these ideas coming dude and I hope the Devs are reading??



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I hope the Devs are reading??

i think no. have no idea why i'm writing all of this :D

Kompotka 3000. 2D ha?ken game: https://community.pl...ve/?hl=kompotka

Interceptor, B-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...itdefence-mech/

Challenger, C-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...ccepted-thread/

G2-Brawler, C-class mech concept: https://community.pl...pacaka-is-here/

Kinetik, B-class mech concept: https://community.pl...ass-shotgunner/

Melter, A-class mech concept: https://community.pl...-class-support/




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To give us hope :)

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Interesting to read and imagine but I do not think we will be implementing something that would create more balance issues over all of the ones we currently have for the PC port.


also It would be nice to see more active abilities than passive upgrades (I really like your idea of the wall hack, seems cool if we don't get any weapons that penetrate walls)

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Interesting to read and imagine but I do not think we will be implementing something that would create more balance issues over all of the ones we currently have for the PC port.


also It would be nice to see more active abilities than passive upgrades (I really like your idea of the wall hack, seems cool if we don't get any weapons that penetrate walls)

for some mechs, passive ability can do some fun. the main point is a give you alternative ability, which can slightly neutralize mech disadvantages with some weapons, instead being totally useless (like flak brawler turret, it is really have a very rare chance to use it effectively, most of time is a useless and more suffer to you, than really help). it is also good to have some alternative, as for a scout, which got sonic-speed, can be alternative ability which gain you 100% fuel tank instead 50%, but not get any bonus-speed, just for example.

to be honest, current console hawken more and more use "all or nothing" conception, where mech abilities give you insane % boost (like 50%, 80% or even 100%, if compare with old-hawken abilities which just was a slightly bonus like +5% or +10%) probably, will be not bad move change whole game conception and internals, to allow you highly cnahge mechs numbers and parameters. 
it will be great and give you a lot of variations about "what you can do with your mech". I mean, creating +/- internals, maybe some sort of tweaking (i.e. ascention points) but not making straight upgrade, but always allow you choice beetwen super-advantage and super-disadvantage (for example, +100% armor, - 100% speed, or +100% damage, -100% firerate, etc.)
to completely changing your mechs. Want a speedy-brawler? Ok. but you sacrifice all your fueltank. Yes, you will be a fast brawler with 900 HP, but with 60 liters fueltank and longer reloading. or something like this. Or you can sacrifice your HP, to got speedy and scary pursuit brawler with 550HP, and you lose ability to tanking, and can be easily killed.
or even making all mech parameters tweaking. let say, you can choose between dodge distance, dodge speed, and dodge cooldawn. it is mean, you brawler can have 30m dodge distance, and 1.8 sec dodge c/d, or have a 16-18m dodge distance, and 1.2-14 sec c/d. the same with damage, firerate, overheating, radar, walking and repair rate speed. it is bring a completely chaos in game (and it can be good, actually), where my bralwer not the same with you brawler. Every players mech can be an "individually" and different. 
the bad part of this, can be a "imba-bild", for example, speedy-brawler can be very strong, and you need some sort of "anti-mech" to counter it. all about rock-paper-scissors, you can easily pursuit A-class with speedy-brawler, but tank-brawler with alot of just kill you if you trying to attack it agressively. or some B-class with quite the same speed just can kill you dps, etc. When you think, you find an ideal solution, another player with another build just can counter you build. ez pz. 
It is also got more variation, more abilities to player experiment with builds and change their mechs, discussing about it (on forum, chat), to finding good solution, or making his pesonal built which will be comfortable to play only for him.
(Just imagine, you play on brawler with 1.4 sec dodge, and you always feel that you need a little faster dodge, so you change it to 1.3, but sacrifice dodge distance, or dodge speed a little, and see what happened, or maybe you no need 900HP, so you sacrifice 50 HP, to increase some other parameters. Want to be agressive and press shift always? ok. Increase Boost speed, but sacrifice walking speed and stun-falling time instead, decrease your HP, but increase fuel regen. the variations can be infinity and you literally can create totally different mech from default brawler)

the current hawken (hovken) is a very revealing. the console hovken have the same problem with pc hawken, and also start losing auditory. imho, this game need full rebalance (beetwen classes), rethink TTK, and probably some sort of game modes rework. (because siege is still a predictable siege).
another bad thing, is an attempt to cross the new game mechanics, with the old. New mechs with 100% stun, +100% armor, +100% dps shouldn't stand near with old classic mechs like brawler, reaper which literally don't do nothing. dual weilding mechs which came from another shooter, and totally miss general hawken conception.
it is now some sort of game, where half of mechs just not equal each other. mixed game-design. so, making all of mech "Vivid personalities", to completely change game into some sort of new shooter. it is actually no more about mechs long time ago, so, why not.

Kompotka 3000. 2D ha?ken game: https://community.pl...ve/?hl=kompotka

Interceptor, B-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...itdefence-mech/

Challenger, C-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...ccepted-thread/

G2-Brawler, C-class mech concept: https://community.pl...pacaka-is-here/

Kinetik, B-class mech concept: https://community.pl...ass-shotgunner/

Melter, A-class mech concept: https://community.pl...-class-support/



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I would like to see some alternate abilitys it would spice up battles and make new and old players wary of what there opponent brings to the table

Most posts i make are taken from members of a large hawken community called krimson's cutthroat commandos o7

i'm a JOBS pilot who takes the souls of brave scouts
i play sharpshooter and vytro at long range because point blank is long range right?

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