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Reloaded have a chance? G1 vs G2 and Hawken/Overwatch opportunity.

- - - - - baba-ji solution probably black magic

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Warning. Alot of baba-ji. I know I have already Jam with my stupid texts, but, bear with me :P

OK. You know guys, i'm always whining by reason, or without reason. But you know i'm always do this just because want better future for hawken. Some thing what i say is quite obvious, some is can be a quite stupid, but... anyway i just want talking about game, and probably, find some interest solutions (baba-ji solutions) for game!

I looked developers Q&A, and it led me to some thoughts. so I hope that the developers read the forum (who am I kidding, I know that's not true, but let me be a little naive), and they thinking about this. maybe.
So I'll start from afar.

What we know about new "Overwatch" online shooter?
It's quite popular online shooter, mostly by brand name devs. It is an interesting, colorful, has a good balance game with a stupid lore and storyline which nobody care. The main part of this shooter (and every other shooters too) - good gameplay! 
Despite many people think than Blizzard games have "brilliant balance". it is not true. And Overwatch also have some drawbacks in balance (mostly based on personal skill, rather balance, and sometimes by unstandart characters pick by every team). Overwatch also have several objective game-modes where you need defend object, or attack object. or both.
Also, overwatch have many (21) different characters, divided by role, and have own weapon and several abilities, and one devastative ability like "ultimate" which can kill someone very fast. 
Also, you can quickly change the characters in battle to change your team, and create a counter-tactic against the enemy team setup.

As you see, it is actually not a very different with hawken (and probably, with many other unknown online shooters). Let see.
When Hawken 3.0 Happens we have:
- hawken is still have nice looking colorfull graphics and looking good (btw, online shooters graphics doesn't matter)
- many mechs with their own class/role. it own weapon and ability. Yes, hawken mech don't have some Ultimate abilities, but with some items, it is +/- equal.
- after patch every mech will be unique and have his own weapons and can be easily identified on battle field.
- we have objective game-modes (siege/ma) which mostly based on protect point/atack point.
- we have some problem with balance based on skill (like pro say - scout is bad, nubs say - scout is OP etc.)
- in hawken you also can changes mech in fight and chage tactics in a middle of the fight. it is good.

we also have problem with Money (not We, Reloaded just don't have several millions like Blizzard :D), with small player base, with servers.

Now reloaded tell this in Q&A:
We would love to see Hawken become an eSport on both Console and PC, but  we realize that cannot happen without full developer support for the competitive community. Unfortunately, there is nothing set in stone right now. But it's on our minds for sure.

Ok. Now let's see what Hawken is different from a Overwath and why Hawken is not competitive and is actually looking like P2W.
Overwatch is not F2P, Hawken is a good F2P, but it is a totally P2W if compared with Overwatch.
what it does mean, and why.

- When you play in Overwatch, you can swap hero in any time, and you hero always equal enemy.
- When you play in Hawken, you can swap mech in any time, but you mech equal enemy only if it "full equiped" by items/internals.

- When you play in Overwatch, you can swap any Hero.
- When you play in Hawken, you can swap any mech which you buy for HC (or MC)
it is not P2W because you need buy mechs for MC, but it is P2W because some mech are restricted for you when you start play (below i tell what we can do with this, and how we can partcially solved this problem)

So, now Reloaded making a Hawken 3.0 patch in future, and delete 2 primary weapons from mech. If they do this, they actually Can making a simple conception mech, with it own role/class, advantages and disadvanges against another mech. It is a quite conception like Overwatch and many other shooters have. The only thing that will prevent the new players to enjoy the concept of flexible mech tactics in combat, and the selection of mechs to the situation on the battlefield - it is P2W...

Now we have Hawken, with pretensions to be a competitive gameplay, but don't have instument to realise it. This is actually a Problem ?1

The next thing is:
The G1 and G2 mech concept has been extended so that there is a bit of a power increase to the G2 variant of each mech.


obviously, it is a 100% P2W pharase. 

Current G2-salt and G2-raidah is an "Alternative" mech, not just more powerfull. and we love it. i mean, players want to see equal powerfull mechs. it is normal. we want "a balance" and asking about it many times.

So, this is actually a Problem ?2. I mean. G2-Mechs now can be a problem, for positioning as F2P competitve games. You know Devs, you can tell everything, but players not stupid. they see numbers in patch notes, they understand how it working. + Reloaded reputation problems. Let's be honest, you know about APB reputation.

But the main sense not in this. The main Question, how to make Hawken feel less P2W, and give a change (maybe) to be a competitive on PC and Consoles in future. 

Here, My suggestion how to fix it, and not let go Hawken to acquire a P2W "seal" (maybe):

1) Increase amount of Trial mech with full equip items/internals to 6 (six). let new players use free 2 A-, 2 B-, and 2 C-classes. And Assault, sure. This gives the player more flexibility for the change his mech in combat when he start to play.

2) Presented items and internals like a mech active and passive "abilities", rather than "items which help you in fight". 
It is probably not a bad made a mech with his own items. for example, brawler can use only shields, ISM and Blockades, despite on player choice. Raider can use only Detonators, Disruptor and HE. You can choice Beetwen 3 Disr+1 Det, or 2 Det + 2 HE, but you can't equip raider with scanners. lets scanner for scouts etc.

3) G2-mechs. Reloaded, please. Don't do it powerfull than G1. Just think about it.
you say that G2-Predator just have better ability. but you actually can be better in this! Just a liitle tuning can help, for example. 
Let G2-Pred allow more walking speed while ability, but have less walking speed, than G1-Pred without ability. It's easy and good changes, is not it? It is just a one and simple example.
Now G2 pred is CAN be a bit better while stalking, but if you play not accurate, and being spotted, you have a little drawback in face-to-face fight. P2W now? Looks like No.

4) Old Players mechs. Ok guys. I know you love you super-raidah with red-death-EOC-mega-alpha, but...It should be deleted!
Seriously devs, Listen why. You can't delete camos/body parts, because it tons of whining and real money, we understand it. But you really can't made a game (probably oriented on competitve gameplay) where some % of players have mech and weapons which is just restricted for other players. My SA-Brawler can be a very devastative in some setup or situations, and other player can't play on it. the same with papa-incinerator, or flak-scout, which other players don't have. 
Give a old player a compensation of it. I don't know, just give these scrubs unique camo and delete restricted weapons. If someone buy weapons with MC, return this player his MC amount which he spent for weapon unlock. It Should be done at any cost. 
You can not give players the mechs that are not planned and did not fit into the overall concept of the gameplay. Do not repeat the mistake with incinerator, please don't break general rules of gamedesign twice. 

5) After this, all what you need is correct to balance, add new mechs, make new bodyparts and camouflage/thrusters. Exclusive parts that are available only as part of a package, or can be purchased for a limited period of time. (Like Cupcake bodyparts, well, you understand me, i'm talking about limited-editions decorations for mechs). Trying to Fix game-servers, ping, and do some tech-service.

With those little changes we actually have the same gameplay like Overwatch have. It is obviously, still worse, but, when hawken more look like F2P, it is more attractively for people who see at gameplay (i talking about players, who play because "gameplay" not because "graphics", it is target audience, players who agrees to play in Hawken for a long time). 
Devs, please, don't waste Hawken attractive design/graphics to earn "fast money" and sealed game as P2W forever. 

Overwatch now is quite popular. People interested in it now, try it. play or not play. But Blizzard is not stupid, they know how to promote the product. In the near future will probably appear some overwatch-clones (if not appear already). and people will be interested in a similar gameplay like overwatch. therefore, we have a chance. We can offer them a similar gameplay, but in the style of a huge military mech + unique Hawken features (dodge, weapons, etc.). But P2W can spoil everything.

Don't think i'm absolutely mad or crazy, no i'm not (and i'm even not drunk like Tickle...xD). You know i still want back my 2012 Closed-Beta 3 HA?KEN and play in it, even with bugs, fps drop, and ugly balance. 

Hawken was trying to find its niche. It did not work out. Even devs tell, that it is no another way, except making Hawking 3.0 and fully rebalance. So, if it right, why do not try oriented to a more successful/popular products on the market? It is really so bad?

It is just my feedback about "Devs Q&A". I hope devs read it.

"lol didn't read" comments indeed.

Edited by nepacaka, 22 June 2016 - 03:06 PM.

  • Guns_N_Rozer, Amidatelion, Shoutaxeror and 2 others like this

Kompotka 3000. 2D ha?ken game: https://community.pl...ve/?hl=kompotka

Interceptor, B-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...itdefence-mech/

Challenger, C-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...ccepted-thread/

G2-Brawler, C-class mech concept: https://community.pl...pacaka-is-here/

Kinetik, B-class mech concept: https://community.pl...ass-shotgunner/

Melter, A-class mech concept: https://community.pl...-class-support/



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for people who can't understand main idea by babaji text, i suggest to turn hawken into F2P version of Overwatch, with hawken movement features and mech-stylish combat.
i.e. overwatch gameplay + hawken looking.

Kompotka 3000. 2D ha?ken game: https://community.pl...ve/?hl=kompotka

Interceptor, B-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...itdefence-mech/

Challenger, C-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...ccepted-thread/

G2-Brawler, C-class mech concept: https://community.pl...pacaka-is-here/

Kinetik, B-class mech concept: https://community.pl...ass-shotgunner/

Melter, A-class mech concept: https://community.pl...-class-support/



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Asides from its pedigree, Overwatch has become popular because it caters to casual players.  They intentionally dropped the mechanical skill ceiling, minimized the impact individuals can have over outcomes, emphasized coordination, and provided powerful options for people who can't aim well.  Put simply, people enjoy the game because they're able to contribute even when they're objectively awful at FPS'.


Hawken's developers tried to do something similar with the Technician.  People spazzed.  Hawken isn't the same sort of game.

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as long as they dont start cell shading everything and making it look like an overly bright cartoon, im open to some change....

Puck Flinging-Nade Lobbing-Troll Tech


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Asides from its pedigree, Overwatch has become popular because it caters to casual players.  They intentionally dropped the mechanical skill ceiling, minimized the impact individuals can have over outcomes, emphasized coordination, and provided powerful options for people who can't aim well.  Put simply, people enjoy the game because they're able to contribute even when they're objectively awful at FPS'.


Hawken's developers tried to do something similar with the Technician.  People spazzed.  Hawken isn't the same sort of game.

personally think, it is more popular just because it is blizzard. I hate overwatch graphics designers, but i only based on gameplay. it is mostly less skilled from very powerfull abilities, like press F to someone die. It working against nubs. but, every hero have a "shield" or "evade" ability which help him survival devastative attacks.
At the same time gameplay expirience in Overwatch can be different by different skill-level of players. I mean, it is not bad. So, the main question is - it is too bad too have more easier gameplay for game survival?

We trying it twice. We trying 2012 - it is not help. We trying Descention - it is not help. What we should trying now?
It was obviously long time ago that "super-skill-based-mech-shooter" is just no need for people. Do we really need continue lead this way, before game not ded finally?
Or we can change it right now? before it is not late.

To be honest, i play in many shooters. IMHO, Hawken is not a Hard game. but as practic shown, 90% people can't play in this :D


even when they're objectively awful at FPS'


People who play in Siege probably feel the same, and this is why they still playing. they just go to AA and die, but they lead to objective and help win by zerg-rush. it is not bad feel sometimes if you nub...

Edited by nepacaka, 21 June 2016 - 04:24 PM.

Kompotka 3000. 2D ha?ken game: https://community.pl...ve/?hl=kompotka

Interceptor, B-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...itdefence-mech/

Challenger, C-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...ccepted-thread/

G2-Brawler, C-class mech concept: https://community.pl...pacaka-is-here/

Kinetik, B-class mech concept: https://community.pl...ass-shotgunner/

Melter, A-class mech concept: https://community.pl...-class-support/



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as long as they dont start cell shading everything and making it look like an overly bright cartoon, im open to some change....

obviosly, hawken graphics shouldn't be changed xD

  • DemitronPrime likes this

Kompotka 3000. 2D ha?ken game: https://community.pl...ve/?hl=kompotka

Interceptor, B-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...itdefence-mech/

Challenger, C-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...ccepted-thread/

G2-Brawler, C-class mech concept: https://community.pl...pacaka-is-here/

Kinetik, B-class mech concept: https://community.pl...ass-shotgunner/

Melter, A-class mech concept: https://community.pl...-class-support/



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obviosly, hawken graphics shouldn't be changed xD

 Unless they use my Reshade preset lol


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Puck Flinging-Nade Lobbing-Troll Tech


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 Unless they use my Reshade preset lol


Naaah, doom-config is better :D

Edited by nepacaka, 21 June 2016 - 04:41 PM.

  • dorobo and comic_sans like this

Kompotka 3000. 2D ha?ken game: https://community.pl...ve/?hl=kompotka

Interceptor, B-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...itdefence-mech/

Challenger, C-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...ccepted-thread/

G2-Brawler, C-class mech concept: https://community.pl...pacaka-is-here/

Kinetik, B-class mech concept: https://community.pl...ass-shotgunner/

Melter, A-class mech concept: https://community.pl...-class-support/



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  People spazzed. 

And some say they spaz there still....

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"but the dead horse has been beaten so many times it's practically a pulpy mess in the barn by now."




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(Also leave my leet Fred alone).

Edited by (TDM) DeeRax, 21 June 2016 - 04:45 PM.





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Asides from its pedigree, Overwatch has become popular because it caters to casual players.  They intentionally dropped the mechanical skill ceiling, minimized the impact individuals can have over outcomes, emphasized coordination, and provided powerful options for people who can't aim well.  Put simply, people enjoy the game because they're able to contribute even when they're objectively awful at FPS'.


Hawken's developers tried to do something similar with the Technician.  People spazzed.  Hawken isn't the same sort of game.


Personally, I don't care if a game caters to casuals and tryhards both. It can be done and I think Overwatch is successful because it does both well.

  • Superkamikazee likes this



Salvage: An Idea to Stop Leavers

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[14:31] <Crafty> I know that in my balls
[14:32] <Crafty> hawken is unlike anything Ive played





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Personally, I don't care if a game caters to casuals and tryhards both. It can be done and I think Overwatch is successful because it does both well.


Yah, Overwatch has loads of tournaments and it has a pretty good spectator system.



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Right, I'm not saying Overwatch doesn't have a competitive scene.  What I'm saying is that the developers intentionally lowered the mechanical skill ceiling and minimized the impact one player can have.  The characters - even the one or two "fast" characters - have slow and limited default movement; the hitboxes are huge; the weapons are forgiving.  These intentional design choices, alongside an emphasis on abilities, teamwork, and inter-character synergy, opened the game to a much broader audience.  Again, it may've been Blizzard's pedigree and financial backing that initially attracted attention, but what kept people playing was the ease of entry.  It made shooters accessible to people who would've floundered in any other FPS.


Hawken is a very different game.  Aping Overwatch would require a complete rework.

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I'll be honest and say I didn't read the whole lot of it, but I just wanted to point something out early.

The reason for Blizzard's success with Overwatch is mainly because of the fanbase they developed prior to the release of the game and the generic nature of the character designs/everything. The characters are very archetypical (invented a word there) which allows for a larger audience to like them--in other words, it's very 'safe'. Safe is predictable depending on your execution, which Blizzard did exceptionally, and the gameplay falls into a very generic category as well. With an already established skill base in games like TF2, pros pop up early which allows early talks of it being an eSport, which in turn garners respect. Once the game is established (as it kind of is now) Blizzard can then bring out more 'risky' features and characters as new releases. This expands their grasp on the general population, reaching out to more niche groups. And the rest of it is League of Legends.

Hawken, on the other hand, is doing the exact opposite of this. This is the reason balance or availability isn't so much of the issue here, it's the target audience they're aiming for. We're too much of a niche group. If they want similar success to Overwatch, they need to change Hawken into 


"an overly bright cartoon" 

and popularize itself on tumblr with sex-able characters.


In my opinion, a great way of widening its appeal would be to bring out some more relate-able aspects. Like a strong, emotion-heavy, story with some 'human' characters or actual play-able human combatants (being able to dismount your mech and hi-jack another would be very interesting, though might make it similar to Titanfall [dunno, haven't played it before]). You might say the full-metal design of Hawken makes it what it is, then yes, it does make it a failure. You can't hug just steel and expect everybody to be happy about it.


Edit: also, those human characters from before should have a story so players can identify with them.

Edited by Hecatoncheires, 21 June 2016 - 07:55 PM.

What the Heca-



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"and popularize itself on tumblr with sex-able characters."

I don't know..... Demi's tail pipe is pretty big as is.... Anymore and it would be the wizard's sleeve of exhaust ports and risk not being sexy... Well, maybe I can fit my corsair up there then... Hmmmmm.
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"and popularize itself on tumblr with sex-able characters."


or maybe not that much




Whereas we have laila






And her younger sister :rolleyes:



Edited by (KDR) MomOw, 21 June 2016 - 09:20 PM.

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moba mode :p but not siege

Edited by dorobo, 21 June 2016 - 10:20 PM.



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or maybe not that much



Whereas we have laila




And her younger sister :rolleyes:

Sadly, Laila only likes fresh meat.

What the Heca-



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Asides from its pedigree, Overwatch has become popular because it caters to casual players.  They intentionally dropped the mechanical skill ceiling, minimized the impact individuals can have over outcomes, emphasized coordination, and provided powerful options for people who can't aim well.  Put simply, people enjoy the game because they're able to contribute even when they're objectively awful at FPS'.


Hawken's developers tried to do something similar with the Technician.  People spazzed.  Hawken isn't the same sort of game.


You are correct in Hawken not being the sort of game that works well with a Technician for making the game more casual friendly.


Hawken, when it first started, was capable of catering to casual players using a different approach than mechanical ceiling caps and simplifying game play to the point where it is arguably automated and only gives the illusion of control. It was as simple as making the pacing move slow enough for new players to ease themselves into the mechanics and learn from their mistakes without feeling like becoming decent is an impossible task because they die too fast.


As for the Technician. It totally failed, and will never completely succeed in making Hawken better, because it is a different method of casualization that is in direct conflict with Hawken's beginnings. It's a question of who honestly has more control in deciding the outcome of a battle: The player? Or the game? Before the Technician, players were obviously in more control because they were learning from their mistakes and developing new strategies with very clear degrees of success and failure. Players were in control because they themselves had to think if they wanted to win. But the Technician was literally "Hold down right mouse button and occasionally press 'F' to win." Not much thought to that, if any. Just press a button. The Technician is still like this at its core, which is why it is always guaranteed to skew matches no matter how much the numbers adjust. It will forever be OP or UP. There is no in between.



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Hawken is a very different game. 

not really, it is all about numbers. make characters walking slower, higher fuel consumption, and faster boost for short time, ability to charge or ram, increase shotgun power in cqc, and Brawler now start look like a Rainhardt and got the same role with "hard point" equiped shields item (like ability).
the global idea is not very different (different only in design).
you know it is programming, you can easily turn scout in tracer. because player hero in shooter it is not a mech or girl, it is hitbox, and all bullet is just a vector+coordinates.

But yes, it requires totally rebalance. To be honest, when i say "turn hawken into overwatch", I did not mean to make a 100% game-clone. i mean make it more easy and understandable for player. some part of job reloaded already do, they can do more if spent some time.

you can not just deny that the game will survive being in a "hardcore" state. If it required, slower the speed. or even else more things. like disable 180-spin, because 90% can't use it. do not get me wrong, i love 180-spin, but is true, it is only interrupt newbies. It just shold be done. etc.

Even now, if we launch on PS4 and Xbox, yes, new player came, it is good. but after 1 month they leave, because game will be difficult. no need to be super smart to figure that out. this is our reality. 

How will it look like.

Reloaded patch releases. Come the new players. Game of the Week. They like to play and visual, but they leave because the game is complex.

i'm 99% sure this happen if devs don't do "something" with gameplay. and then we continue play in game with 150 players online. that's all. 

I really bielive that Hawken have a chance now. But if not do nothing with gameplay, nothing changed. This is how it working.

Edited by nepacaka, 22 June 2016 - 12:50 AM.

Kompotka 3000. 2D ha?ken game: https://community.pl...ve/?hl=kompotka

Interceptor, B-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...itdefence-mech/

Challenger, C-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...ccepted-thread/

G2-Brawler, C-class mech concept: https://community.pl...pacaka-is-here/

Kinetik, B-class mech concept: https://community.pl...ass-shotgunner/

Melter, A-class mech concept: https://community.pl...-class-support/



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Current G2-salt and G2-raidah is an "Alternative" mech, not just more powerfull. and we love it. i mean, players want to see equal powerfull mechs. it is normal. we want "a balance" and asking about it many times.

So, this is actually a Problem ?2. I mean. G2-Mechs now can be a problem, for positioning as F2P competitve games. You know Devs, you can tell everything, but players not stupid. they see numbers in patch notes, they understand how it working. + Reloaded reputation problems. Let's be honest, you know about APB reputation.


the former deve team failed with G2, OK they are alternative but they are not competitive / balanced.


I'd love to have G2 that should be more demanding versions of the G1.

A G1 raider with reflak and slightly more HP than the actual raider but a lower speed buff while the ability is active

A G2 raider being the actual T32 raider (same stats, same ability)

--> the G1 would be easier to use, the G2 would still be great but harder to use.


I'm more worried about the "turret modes", and the overall balance they will achieve with EOC, hellfire, dual revGL, dual seeker and dual mini-flak.

Edited by (KDR) MomOw, 22 June 2016 - 12:58 AM.




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I'm more worried about the "turret modes", and the overall balance they will achieve with EOC, hellfire, dual revGL, dual seeker and dual mini-flak.


they trying to do a role for every mech. and making counter-mechs.
for example.
dual Rev Gren - it is just spam-gren with bouncing. If only one mech have RevGL, they easily can make each Rev 100+ damage and it be a "siege mech" which spam grenades every where.

the same with stupid nief. (g2 bers or g2 rockee, i don't know, i man this small thing with dual seeker), they just trying to do anti-berserk mech. if you fly, u ded. use raider with corner-fight and this mech was useless. etc.

a-class with dual mini-flak, hmmm... i don't test it, but is is look like C-class devastator. you hiding, look at radar and see alone C-class which attacking someone else, flanking and kill them before you overheat. than ruaway.

at the same, it is strange than devs say that all other gameplay things not very changed. for example, i'm very dissapointed with some moments. because, if they want to add roles/classes, they need Totally change weapons damage and heat.

for example brawler, they can be a close range defendor. it is mean, that his Flak should have 150 damage from and kill Anyone who stay at 30 meters from 2-3 shot. Even if you use super DPS weapon, you should die. don't stand close with brawler! flanking him, or kill his team befaore, than kill alone brawler in 3vs1 fight, because brawler can't runaway from you.

it is just a simple and "abstract" examples, but this is how it should be, if devs want to make system with classes. it should be like rock-paper-scissors. But it is obviously, they don't do it. because people start whining that brawler is OP, instead change mech on assault/sherp and get him from distance, and not just trying attack him in cqc and die fast.

I mostly talking about this. I mean, make all mech totally different. it is possible now, when they have only 1 weapon. and G2 also can help in this. but instead this, devs just want making a P2W.

Kompotka 3000. 2D ha?ken game: https://community.pl...ve/?hl=kompotka

Interceptor, B-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...itdefence-mech/

Challenger, C-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...ccepted-thread/

G2-Brawler, C-class mech concept: https://community.pl...pacaka-is-here/

Kinetik, B-class mech concept: https://community.pl...ass-shotgunner/

Melter, A-class mech concept: https://community.pl...-class-support/



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The simple way to fix the p2w aspect is to just charge a flat price for the game, with all mechs/items/internals/weapons freely available after you buy the game. Reloaded could still charge money for cosmetics after.


I think most gamers nowadays would rather just dish out some flat fee than having to grind for weeks or months to unlock new mechs/weapons etc...

Also the notion of having to grind for things before you can equalize yourself to others in a supposedly skill-based fps might just be distasteful to some. I believe this has played a large part in new players dropping the game immediately and the p2w stigma that's haunted the game since launch. If reloaded is seriously considering an esports or comp scene for the game in the future, this is something they might want to look into first to attract more players.

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Naaah, doom-config is better :D



as much as i used to love doom and all...


I need more eye candy...

Kinda like that moment WMoney is busy with 2 scrubs and i pop around the corner and vulch the kill shot....


but back to the point,


a "king of the hill" or domination style match would be great....


IMO, 90% of p2w accusations come from either the stupid, un-educated or salty....

99% of them are ignored by ACTUAL gamers until proven correct, if hawken keeps its current f2p format it will be kinda safe IMO

100% of stats are however ignored much like these forums are by the eyes of the devs sadly...


or we would have Nep doing dev work, badtings in control of promotional images... merl, amid and hoho running PR and Silver would prob be running a team of server engineers.... at which point, the great silence prob would never happened and hawken wouldnt be what we know it....


sadly we have the cards we have been dealt and all we can do now is hope for the best...

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4) Old Players mechs. Ok guys. I know you love you super-raidah with red-death-EOC-mega-alpha, but...It should be deleted!


Treat them with honour, my Brothers.

Not because they will bring us victory this day,

but because their fate will one day be ours.



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Overwatch's success comes down to gameplay. Nay sayers will argue the games success rests on its art style, blizzards rep, fan fare, while that certainly helps, but a game with 10 million players doesn't garner that level of success without having gameplay to back up it up. The gameplay is fun, accessible, and rewarding. The vast character roster offers varying play styles, and counters to other characters. The lack of an upgrade system helps to balance the game, offering a more competitive playing field regardless of whatever one considers the skill ceiling to be. Overwatch offers a competitive gameplay experience that requires teamplay and coordination to an audience of varying skill levels. That's the dream combo. 


Hawkens problem has always been approach-ability (low player retention), and the skill ceiling being what I would argue is very high, complexity without offering much reward. There's fps's with high skill ceilings like cs go, but the mechanics are simple, so players stay with it to learn the more advanced nuances. On the flip side Hawken has so many complex mechanics; turn cap, dodge, fuel, heat, flight, fall damage, weapon variety, items, and to top it all off the tiny community demanded the skill ceiling wasn't high enough, AC was added. These are things folks need to consider, and simply accept will hold Hawken back from any wide spread appeal snow balling into it never really being a game you see played in any major tournaments.


Lore will not garner Hawken any more success, it's an online shooter, Overwatch has proven that. Hawken MUST become more approachable and I think RLD is trying to do that in a way by making every mech have it's own load out (Heroes), I can see that helping with balancing in the future. Like I said before, I need to get some time in with "THE" console version before I can really have any significant opinion of whether or not the game has a future.

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if hawken keeps its current f2p format it will be kinda safe IMO


did i understand correct that:
"kinda safe" = 300 ppl online and siege mode 4vs5

yep. it is kinda safe. but probably not what people want from game :D

(low player retention)


tru. sad but tru (q_q)

and to top it all off the tiny community demanded the skill ceiling wasn't high enough, AC was added.



Edited by nepacaka, 22 June 2016 - 08:43 AM.

Kompotka 3000. 2D ha?ken game: https://community.pl...ve/?hl=kompotka

Interceptor, B-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...itdefence-mech/

Challenger, C-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...ccepted-thread/

G2-Brawler, C-class mech concept: https://community.pl...pacaka-is-here/

Kinetik, B-class mech concept: https://community.pl...ass-shotgunner/

Melter, A-class mech concept: https://community.pl...-class-support/



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Hawken should be more like this:


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Hawken should be more like this:


is that dead pool holding he-man's sword, while being hugged by nidalee, riding a winged tiger with humanlike claws?

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did i understand correct that:
"kinda safe" = 300 ppl online and siege mode 4vs5



All i mean by that is, that pay to win isnt really a problem with the games current structure

Puck Flinging-Nade Lobbing-Troll Tech


::eoc Pred::Eoc/HC Infil::Vulcanador::Hawkins Tech::EOC Raider::

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The other games that are so casual any "competition" mode will be silly. Unless they make some huge changes comp would be a joke.


I think hawken would be well served by a casual mode in separate servers that is some how assisted, maybe aim assist. Then pilots that wanted to could 'move up' to the competitive mode. I have said it before and although it does segregate the community, perhaps the lack of it left no community



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is that dead pool holding he-man's sword, while being hugged by nidalee, riding a winged tiger with humanlike claws?

I don't know. It came up when using Google image searc for Hawken wallpaper. And it looks like Illal to me.

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I played Overwatch for two weeks upon release; I haven't played it since. It draws you in, but the gameplay gets stale pretty quick. It's partially because of the lack of game modes, but it definitely makes me feel very limited in skills that need sharpened, and forces me to play a certain way based on team compositions, where I would prefer not to.


Plus, who wants to be known as the best "Jack of all trades" in a video game?


I'd stride not to be like Overwatch, except for their presentation, perhaps.

Edited by XPloyt, 22 June 2016 - 05:54 PM.



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From an aesthetic perspective, I'd appreciate a return to the grittier, grimier, post apocalyptic vibe of the early days, that art style really drew my attention to this game.

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From an aesthetic perspective, I'd appreciate a return to the grittier, grimier, post apocalyptic vibe of the early days, that art style really drew my attention to this game.

I can agree with that, I mean, that's the "storyline", right? I'd be happy if the game took that direction, personally.

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: baba-ji solution, probably black magic

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