Nepacaka is here, and bring to you something new and tasty... and, a little "Noir", of course.
So, several week in a row i'm working on my new Hawken graphical novel "Hawken: Contagiosis". You can see it below, but first, i wanna say some things. if you want to read the main purpose of this thread, please see in spoiler. If not, you can just look at the pictures ahd have fun :D
Please read this!
Nepacaka Notes, Main purpose
Well, actually, the main purpose of "Hawken: Contagiosis" it is a bring some advertisement for HAWKEN. With help of DerMax, i made a two version of novel Russian, and English. So, i think some people likes my work, some people not, but i think mostly people react in positive manner. I want to try posted this work in some places.
Well, you knowhow it works.When you seesomething interesting in internet, or maybe in social site, butyou don't know what is this!Andyou openGoogle,and try tofind more informationabout it. At least,I expectthis effect.
Also, i trying do post this in some Entartainment portals which i know. I hope someone will seemy work,and maybeinterested inthe Hawken (and be a potential player :P) Of course, I clearly understand thatthe chance of thisis very small,but it isthe most Ican do forHawkenby using my skill.
What do you think about this idea? Good or Not?
Also, if you know some special free sites for fun-art comics, tell me about it in commentary. I'll trying post this novel somewhere else for more profit. In any case... it is FREE! :D
read all other on you own risk...
About Creation
oh, it is actually a sad story (T_T)
firstly, when i starting work i think: "Hey Nepa, you should make a super-best-comics about mechs on a planet Earth!"
with this thought i starting writing scenario. And i actually make a nice scenario! With 6 nice developed characters, tonnes of action, epic and drammatical ending. it was a 20 pages of Dialogues in MS-Word. But when i make 2 first sketches, i'm very fast understand, which all novel will be about 80 pages in total! 80 pages! even if i deleted half story it is still will be a 40.
It was impossible to drawing for me. cuz you know, i'm not a designer, and i working slow. So, i totally changed scenario, and deleted 95%. Make a story untold (so that Icould dochapter 2 and 3 in future and finish it... maybe...)
New story will be short and bad, but require drawing only 10-12 pages from me. This is more Real to do. This is not impossible now.
So, then i start drawing and draw all 10 pages. Re-read the story...oh Saint ?aba-Ji!, it was a really awfull. I trying change and tweak it for more good, and then...we have result what you can see below.
Yep. I'm actually a bad scenarist. bad nepacaka, very bad! (T_T)
That maybe Interesting
As you know, i'm not a designer, so, drawing face it is impossibru. But i use nice trick, and use real person in comics, for example, Ellie - it is a Gwyneth Paltrow from Iron-man, Enric - Jude Law, Captain - Famous russian actor, Sergei Garmash. :D
Some Bad Things :C
Really, I'm sorrythatI was not ableto realize thewhole ideaentirely.It might bebetter...but it is not. You need to properlyassess my ability. i'm not almighty ?aba-Ji.
I very much hopethat i can create 2 and 3 chapters in the future.But it is possiblethatitwill never happen...
actually, main purpose of this is trying to get some advertise. maybe i can to extend thisat least a little,and getaresponse.I stronglydoubt in it.Butno harm in trying...
if i can make a 2 and 3 part, the end will be sad and serious.
Let me explain because the quality of your jub plus the time you've put into it is remarkable, IMO.
I said progressive comedy because of those single bullet at devastating those mechs so easily. Where's their cavorite armour...? Probably not very productive detail for the future flow of the novel.. that's just my impression though...
Also I find many of the onomatopoeia to be very fun.. maybe too much.. =)
Well.. you know it. Other than that, awesome graphical job, man. I positively envy you! ;)
nepacaka likes this
The difference between theory and practice is smaller in theory than it is in practice.
I said progressive comedy because of those single bullet at devastating those mechs so easily. Where's their cavorite armour...?
because in my hawken universe, mechs armor not made from cavorite, they made from trash/old working techology/metal plates. mech can't self-repair (only in hangar, if people repair it)
and mech don't have a dron, don't have an items in my universe.
C-class Mech weight about 40 tonn (30/20 for B and A)
and if some bullet hit you... u ded :D
i have a my own vision. and actually i don't like some stupid ideas which devs added in story after game start.
mech from cavorite which weighs 2 tonnes - this is comedy! :)
and actually, i have a imitthe number of I can notafford tofight withone mech on whole 4-5pages with tonnes of "pew-pew", "ha-ha i'm not die".This is exactlybecause of whatI hadto redo my first scenario. it just question about time.
but i love the criticism, it help see some error/bad things which you not see first in self work.
i actually be sad, because i spent a lot of time to make a inscription on second cover (with text and chibi chars), and no one can try to translate it (q_q)
Probably not very productive detail for the future flow of the novel.. that's just my impression though...
this is why i tell - i'm a bad scenarist
Also I find many of the onomatopoeia to be very fun.. maybe too much..
it is actually a big problem, if you never trying make a comics. i read about this in internet about 2-3 days, before i can start draw it. just because i have no idea how this shold be pronounces/sounded on english. i actually use onomatopoeia book to find needed sounds. maybe i wrong with several :D
can you tell me, which sound you think incorrect or funny? i should know to fix it, and be better in future.
The story seemed to be a tragedy, yet you manage to fit in a "Fuzzy bunny!" and yes, of course I cracked up
Awesome stuff!
This is only a forum censor-robot merit. In original dialogue Enric say a swear word, but when DerMax sent me translation, robot replace it with fuzzy bunny. I laughed from this and think "hey! It probably a nice touch!"
it is actually a big problem, if you never trying make a comics. i read about this in internet about 2-3 days, before i can start draw it. just because i have no idea how this shold be pronounces/sounded on english. i actually use onomatopoeia book to find needed sounds. maybe i wrong with several :D
can you tell me, which sound you think incorrect or funny? i should know to fix it, and be better in future.
Great job !.....Frank Miller would be proud
nepacaka likes this
Just Relax....and take life one game at a time....
It's leagues better than most of Hawken: Melee, although I don't think the Hawken Virus is capable of spreading at a rate like that (otherwise Illal would have been covered ages ago, I'd think).
It's leagues better than most of Hawken: Melee, although I don't think the Hawken Virus is capable of spreading at a rate like that (otherwise Illal would have been covered ages ago, I'd think).
Just because you see a version 2.0 of virus in my comics, Sentium working on new part of virus to make it controllable. It is a part of my story.
@nepacake - try out Though i have no clue what standarts for posting do they have. But they have a pretty confident fandom so... Yes, it can make an impact. 'Cos people there love some good artwork and lore and all of this nerdy stuff.
Edited by TwoDots (I2DI), 19 June 2015 - 01:42 AM.
nepacaka and Hek_naw like this
I simply cease to believe that something is OP just because it's OP.
i actually be sad, because i spent a lot of time to make a inscription on second cover (with text and chibi chars), and no one can try to translate it (q_q)
Pal, I can't translate Japanese. I dunno if anyone on this forum can. Do you mind telling us what it says? :D