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Reloaded: The Master List

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M4stodon, some point is good (it is actually very old problems)
May be good to hear some ideas/opinion how to fix it.

Kompotka 3000. 2D ha?ken game: https://community.pl...ve/?hl=kompotka

Interceptor, B-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...itdefence-mech/

Challenger, C-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...ccepted-thread/

G2-Brawler, C-class mech concept: https://community.pl...pacaka-is-here/

Kinetik, B-class mech concept: https://community.pl...ass-shotgunner/

Melter, A-class mech concept: https://community.pl...-class-support/



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My apologies on the recent inactivity in updates with this thread. AFK stuff (actually... in front of keyboard, but whatever) can be time consuming. I'll be back on this in a day or two.





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- Hellfire Missile -

It was originally intended to be the undisputed best long-range weapon at the cost of being mediocre to terrible at everything else. And it was the best (when it wasn't bugging out half the time!) Current Hellfire Missile is terrible everywhere, even long-range!


o Greatly increase individual missile damage.

o I like the idea of utility mode firing a homing beacon instead of being a straight lock-on.

o Like with the Redox, mechs affected by the homing beacon would need a debuff icon on the HuD.

o This debuff icon also needs to show stacking homing beacon debuffs - One per unique Hellfire user.


Between these points, I see Hellfires becoming more useful 'and' more fun to play!


- Orb Lording -

The tweaks I would take, and in the order to take them.

1. Remove hidden value in Repair Kit that increases pick up rate.

2. Remove stacking healing from multiple orbs. Can now only heal from one orb at a time.

3. Reduce Repair Charge numbers to match offensive items.

4. Reduce all healing orb numbers to match offensive items.

5. Implement temporary heal interrupt while under fire for all healing orbs.


- Air Compressor -

As is, it is not fine. Not because of the internal itself, but because there are no other single internals changing the game as much as the Air Compressor. Offensive and defensive styles need an Air Compressor of their own! Examples of what they could look like:


Offensive - Safety Release

o Mechs close to Overheated now have a button option to temporarily extend their heat gauge and continue firing while Overheated.

o Safety Release lasts until a timer reaches 0, or until maxing out the extended heat gauge.

o Overheated lasts longer than normal depending on how far the player went with the extended heat gauge.

o Incompatible with Air Compressor and Shield Drone.


Defensive - Shield Drone

o Mechs using drone repair at full health now build a personal shield that partially absorbs all incoming damage.

o The shield gradually dissipates on its own over time. This is to mitigate camping.

o Incompatible with Air Compressor and Safety Release.



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5. Implement temporary heal interrupt while under fire for all healing orbs.

- Air Compressor -
As is, it is not fine. Not because of the internal itself, but because there are no other single internals changing the game as much as the Air Compressor. Offensive and defensive styles need an Air Compressor of their own! Examples of what they could look like:

Offensive - Safety Release
o Mechs close to Overheated now have a button option to temporarily extend their heat gauge and continue firing while Overheated.
o Safety Release lasts until a timer reaches 0, or until maxing out the extended heat gauge.
o Overheated lasts longer than normal depending on how far the player went with the extended heat gauge.
o Incompatible with Air Compressor and Shield Drone.

Defensive - Shield Drone
o Mechs using drone repair at full health now build a personal shield that partially absorbs all incoming damage.
o The shield gradually dissipates on its own over time. This is to mitigate camping.
o Incompatible with Air Compressor and Safety Release.

Part of post which full of bad ideas.
#5. Can working only if you delete tech from game. But actually without tech no need to interrupt orbs.

Safety release - turn all mech into assaults. spit on game heat mechanic, same like incinerator.

Personal shield, ugh... In early version of ascension devs deleted personal shields, I forget why devs do this.

Kompotka 3000. 2D ha?ken game: https://community.pl...ve/?hl=kompotka

Interceptor, B-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...itdefence-mech/

Challenger, C-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...ccepted-thread/

G2-Brawler, C-class mech concept: https://community.pl...pacaka-is-here/

Kinetik, B-class mech concept: https://community.pl...ass-shotgunner/

Melter, A-class mech concept: https://community.pl...-class-support/



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Suggestion: Stop allowing the purchase of the CRT. Keep it in the garages of the players that have it, but move it into the realm of the Cupcake, where it is the same mech, but a different chassis.

No, i don't want this.

I want the recruit to be the starting mech again. The weapons should be changed as follows (quoting my first suggestion thread):


CR-T Recruit

Since it was meant to be the starter mech i think its lefthanded weapons, besides the assault rifle, should introduce new players to other projectile behavior types with rapidfire weapons, too:

2nd weapon: Mini"flak"

This introduces newbies to the game's shotgun-type weapons

3rd weapon: "Bombcannon"

This is like the Grendaier's Rev-GL, except the projectiles explode on contact with the environment (like the corsair's default projectile), instead of bouncing off it, and should have higher rate of fire (comparable to the redox rifle). The damage and maybe heatgeneration should be reduced.

This would introduce new players to weapons with arcing projectile trajectories. The name is a placeholder, i couldn't think of a better name, and didn't just want to call it "Battlehammer", the weapon from Metroid Prime: Hunters it was inspired by.

I have a lot of ideas and would like some feedback on them:

Suggestions for fixing things:


Suggestions for new things:




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I would add the same for the breacher, it's just damn loud while charging.Tone it down just a little bit.


Few months back someone mentioned shock coils internal redesign,

so that they ,while equipped, negate the fall damage and reduce the volume of walking.

That would be sweet, especially for preds and infils..

I may disagree about breacher sound, 'cause it's a quite strong weapon with a quite strong mech.

But shock coils reducing sound of walking hmmlmmm yummi !

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When you guys and girls figured out what would be a reasonable first new rebalance of the game I like to add just one little idea:

Adjust all values that will be changed by 50 %. So the change is more a tendency then a radical new game experience.



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I made a survey about T-32. Go go !

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Also I used to think sustain weapons should take ~2.5% nerf in terms of dps output, but I think before this is pondered on an orblord nerf should happen, and we should see how sustain fares after that. As it stands right now sustain is the category that benefits the most from orblording, any potential nerf to it should wait until orblord nerfs are applied first. It might very well turn out that both are necessary, but we can't really know until it's actually tested.

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It's not just a problem with the Scout and Reloaded will have to deal with this problem. The problem being that the speed of A classes is too much for new (and low tier) players getting used to the game, it's a very unique movement system as not many FPS games have a turn cap and dodge. So the A class can easily destroy the new players because they lack the experience, however up in high tier play the speed amounts to jack **** except when running from base to base. Since aiming is no longer an issue in high tier the A classes can't really keep up with mechs that do as much DPS but have way lower health when they are of equal skill level, the dodge cooldown isn't that significant to help much.


So if you buff the A classes, it'll get better in high tier but will dominate low tier. If you keep it the same or nerf A classes then the opposite will happen. This is one thing that Reloaded is going to have trouble with. Also I think this is the main reason the Hawken forums have such a hard-on for B and C classes :p


On the game play side of things, nothing is a bigger blight on the new player experience than getting pub stomped by A's. I rarely see new players complaining about B's and C's because they can at least hit those weight classes.


Although A's are balanced for high level play, that's not going to matter for the game's population when most new players don't stick around for more than three days due to A pub stomping. Quake and Unreal Tournament aren't the FPS games of the day anymore. Most players don't have the patience to go for long stretches with a negative k/d ratio.


Hopefully we'll get another weapon balance pass when the developers finally sort out the game's current programming limitation. The limitation being you can't change one weapon on one mech without changing the same weapon on every other mech.



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I have the fix for the G2 Assault's vulcan cannons:


Ricocheting bullets.


All G2 vulcan cannon bullets now ricochet one time of off any surface, including other mechs.

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I have the fix for the G2 Assault's vulcan cannons:


Ricocheting bullets.


All G2 vulcan cannon bullets now ricochet one time of off any surface, including other mechs.

Considering how poorly the maps handle the re-flak... eh...
G2 Assault just needs to be able to do more dps, period.





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I have the fix for the G2 Assault's vulcan cannons:


Ricocheting bullets.


All G2 vulcan cannon bullets now ricochet one time of off any surface, including other mechs.

nice idea. it actually can make G2-Assult more useful, and added to him ability hit mech behind cover without secondary weapon (not everywhere, but on some maps with corridors, like frontline)
i think it is can be really nice changes for this mech.

Kompotka 3000. 2D ha?ken game: https://community.pl...ve/?hl=kompotka

Interceptor, B-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...itdefence-mech/

Challenger, C-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...ccepted-thread/

G2-Brawler, C-class mech concept: https://community.pl...pacaka-is-here/

Kinetik, B-class mech concept: https://community.pl...ass-shotgunner/

Melter, A-class mech concept: https://community.pl...-class-support/



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Safety release - turn all mech into assaults. spit on game heat mechanic, same like incinerator.
Personal shield, ugh... In early version of ascension devs deleted personal shields, I forget why devs do this.

Sure, they don't have to exactly work like that. I still want something like this to happen though. The Air Compressor isn't game breaking. But it is "broken" in comparison to other internals due to no other single internal changing how much a mech plays like the Air Compressor. While all other internals passively boost a mech's abilities, the Air Compressor actively boosts a mech's abilities by adding an additional function to the dodge button. Since I doubt the Air Compressor will see removal from the game, and since making the Air Compressor a universal feature would change the game's movement fundamentals yet again, the next best thing I can think of is making more active boost internals. Preferably one for offense and one for defense play styles, as this would match the developer's desire to create more play styles. Here's how their design philosophy works, regardless of their actual effects:

o Context sensitive additional effect to an existing button. i.e. the Air Compressor makes the dodge button work in mid air. The Shield Drone makes the drone repair button create a personal shield when at full health.
o Drawback(s) to these additional effects to prevent the internals from being straight upgrades and changing the game's fundamentals. i.e. air dodging uses fuel. A personal shield automatically and gradually dissipates over time, and doesn't have that high of a damage absorption (<=25%).
o Incompatible with other active boost internals.

However, there is on possible issue with these new internals. And that is no matter what they actually end up doing, taking one of them would be a requirement in all internal builds. If that would happen, then I already have a solution: Tuning 2.0.

Tuning 2.0 is turning these new active boost internals into a separate customization option. New mechs would come with one of the three tuning options, and what they start with depends on their intended role: Offense, defense, or movement. Unlocking the other two tuning options requires mech level + HC (mech levels 2 and 3, for example), or an instant unlock with MC.



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Considering how poorly the maps handle the re-flak... eh...


Perhaps instead of ricochet being dependent on map geometry, each ricochet bullet could create an AoE effect from the point of impact that creates and shoots one additional bullet in a random direction until the bullet hits another target or travels outside of the AoE.



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Perhaps instead of ricochet being dependent on map geometry, each ricochet bullet could create an AoE effect from the point of impact that creates and shoots one additional bullet in a random direction until the bullet hits another target or travels outside of the AoE.


If the ricochets are random (kind of like how they are now, practically), how would that be useful at all?
I'd rather they just fix the maps so that the ricochet mechanic can be a little more than just something you can totally forget about. And I don't know if that's even possible.


G2 Assault with ricocheting bullets would be neat, I agree, but unless they do something about the maps, it won't work well, and therefore won't buff the mech itself in the way it needs to be.

Edited by (TDM) DeeRax, 02 November 2015 - 10:55 PM.





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From the author of:


Hawken; Do Pooping




Hawken; Why is Science and Stuff


Not to mention the #1 themesong writer/ringer/poop doer/sea creature/stamp collector/least smelliest dude in hawken.


I would like to bring my map overview to the table:



Edited by Massive_Assailant_Stingray, 03 November 2015 - 12:19 PM.

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I think I will brainstorm internals that have abilities that can rival the A/C. This is just one. I will post more as they come to me.


We could have in internal call the rebooster that shoots a mech forward a few paces, like a charging bull. I could see this being useful. Would buy, much like 0_0. It would make a loud charge up noise and visible light in the back of the mech then it would shoot forward. Charge up time maybe a second? Half a second? Quick enough to have use, slow enough to warn any competent player. Hell, maybe no charge up time. Maybe you just double tap your boost key or something.

Edited by -vR.Augmentia, 03 November 2015 - 04:18 AM.

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I am MM




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G2 Assault with ricocheting bullets would be neat, I agree, but unless they do something about the maps, it won't work well, and therefore won't buff the mech itself in the way it needs to be.


if you buff G2A directly, it start kill everything in low-tier matches (like it was before, when G2 gain weapons nerf). adding a ricochette can be a very little buff for him, but not made him OP. it can be nice touch for G2A.

G2A actually ?1 boring mech in game now.

Kompotka 3000. 2D ha?ken game: https://community.pl...ve/?hl=kompotka

Interceptor, B-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...itdefence-mech/

Challenger, C-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...ccepted-thread/

G2-Brawler, C-class mech concept: https://community.pl...pacaka-is-here/

Kinetik, B-class mech concept: https://community.pl...ass-shotgunner/

Melter, A-class mech concept: https://community.pl...-class-support/



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G2A actually ?1 boring mech in game now.

Someone forgot the Rocketeer exists again.
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I think I will brainstorm internals that have abilities that can rival the A/C. This is just one. I will post more as they come to me.


We could have in internal call the rebooster that shoots a mech forward a few paces, like a charging bull. I could see this being useful. Would buy, much like 0_0. It would make a loud charge up noise and visible light in the back of the mech then it would shoot forward. Charge up time maybe a second? Half a second? Quick enough to have use, slow enough to warn any competent player. Hell, maybe no charge up time. Maybe you just double tap your boost key or something.

This would be so cool.
Would put it on almost every mech I have.

How would you use it, though? Like, I mean literally what button/s would you press?

Missed that last sentence.

Edited by (TDM) DeeRax, 03 November 2015 - 04:31 PM.





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adding a ricochette can be a very little buff for him, but not made him OP. it can be nice touch for G2A.

Again, I agree.

Except that it won't work as intended, because of the maps.





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Maybe you could ask people to make a list of the most brought up issues or something similar? I'm sure most of us would be happy to help in any way.



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:sweat: Return to the siege mode map "Bazaar". 

http://www.hawken.ru- ???? ??????????? ?????????? ??????? (Website of the Russian community)

http://ru.hawken.wikia.com - ??????? ????????? ?? ???? (Russian Wikipedia HAWKEN)

http://vk.com/hawken - ???????? ??????????? ?????????? ??????? ? ?? (social network VK)



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Thanks dumblenerd.



MSV out.

Edited by Massive_Assailant_Stingray, 09 November 2015 - 06:30 PM.



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Thanks dumblenerd.

I guess now you want me to like. Do things and stuff. Fine. Stupid house elf.





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Two things I feel strongly about:



Not that useful on the reaper. Comparable to the AR but is just harder to use.

Too much spread and and too low of a fire rate. Compared to the AR, the fire rate doesn't really allow you to "track" your targets continuously but actually time each shot to hit your target.

Works well with reaper's ability but relies on it heavily.

Basically the extra work required to use the RPR gives no advantage.



1 v 1

Heat - gets beat by scout

AR - beat by zerk

EOC - fuggedaboutit


It is too specialized in murdering. High reliance on stealth. Inflexible roles.


I would like to see it have faster walk speed. It will be more forgiving overall. I can explain more.

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Two things I feel strongly about:



Not that useful on the reaper. Comparable to the AR but is just harder to use.

Too much spread and and too low of a fire rate. Compared to the AR, the fire rate doesn't really allow you to "track" your targets continuously but actually time each shot to hit your target.

Works well with reaper's ability but relies on it heavily.

Basically the extra work required to use the RPR gives no advantage.



1 v 1

Heat - gets beat by scout

AR - beat by zerk

EOC - fuggedaboutit


It is too specialized in murdering. High reliance on stealth. Inflexible roles.


I would like to see it have faster walk speed. It will be more forgiving overall. I can explain more.

As to the rpr, i sort of agree except for the fact that the am is not full auto, and the stupid smoke it puts out, its ridiculous, as to the issues with the infil, those examples are because your trying to play the infil against its style, iv been instaggibed by infils more than i care to admit in all of the mechs you listed, aside form eoc, because eoc,

"but the dead horse has been beaten so many times it's practically a pulpy mess in the barn by now."




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Someone forgot the Rocketeer exists again.

No. it is you forgot something.

Rocketeer is not boring if you trying to play with Heat cannon and EOC. it is not a rocketeer problem that most of player use Seeker just because it simple and gave him the best solution in many situations. I many times suggest how to fix it (but no one care ;D)
Seeketer is boring, but not Rocketeer. It was a good mech on Closed-beta 3, where rocketeer have only 2 weapons. EOC and Heat cannon. Maybe a little hard to use, but not boring.

#problem_in_seeker, #Buff_HellFire.


alot of text about rockee:




1 v 1

Heat - gets beat by scout lol no. logic?

AR - beat by zerk maybe if bers use his cheat ability?

EOC - fuggedaboutit uh...maybe a little

Finfiltrator can use his ability to make a first shot and gain a HP advantage against Scout and Bers, than kill enemy faster, than enemy can kill you. Yeah, i know about scanner...


Edited by nepacaka, 11 November 2015 - 10:52 PM.

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Kompotka 3000. 2D ha?ken game: https://community.pl...ve/?hl=kompotka

Interceptor, B-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...itdefence-mech/

Challenger, C-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...ccepted-thread/

G2-Brawler, C-class mech concept: https://community.pl...pacaka-is-here/

Kinetik, B-class mech concept: https://community.pl...ass-shotgunner/

Melter, A-class mech concept: https://community.pl...-class-support/



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No. it is you forgot something.

Rocketeer is not boring if you trying to play with Heat cannon and EOC. it is not a rocketeer problem that most of player use Seeker just because it simple and gave him the best solution in many situations. I many times suggest how to fix it (but no one care ;D)
Seeketer is boring, but not Rocketeer. It was a good mech on Closed-beta 3, where rocketeer have only 2 weapons. EOC and Heat cannon. Maybe a little hard to use, but not boring.

#problem_in_seeker, #Buff_HellFire.


alot of text about rockee:

I agree, heat rocketeer could be a lot of fun, actually. Could be, if hellfire dumbfire was better.

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As to the rpr, i sort of agree except for the fact that the am is not full auto, and the stupid smoke it puts out, its ridiculous, as to the issues with the infil, those examples are because your trying to play the infil against its style, iv been instaggibed by infils more than i care to admit in all of the mechs you listed, aside form eoc, because eoc,

Hmm I guess you're right. I just want it to be either more versatile, or better at murder.


When it's not cloaking it has to rely on the team. But what if the team sux? Maybe there is a way to play it so that it is self sustaining.





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@nepacaka yes but what if you don't get the first shot? I feel like it's too dependent on it.



As for shortening the Nade reload speed to that of the TOW I feel it is unnecessary. The Nade is more of a defensive weapon for stopping enemies from pursuing you while the TOW is used in a more aggressive style. If the reload time was shortened, the Nade would be superior in cqb, and the TOW would be the harder weapon to use because of smaller splash. It would be interesting to see how gameplay would change though. 





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Hmm I guess you're right. I just want it to be either more versatile, or better at murder.


When it's not cloaking it has to rely on the team. But what if the team sux? Maybe there is a way to play it so that it is self sustaining.

well, playing with a team is part of being good, even if the team is terrible, you need to be able to self sustain, its not hard to do in an A class, just dont over commit, just requires more patients for the opportunity.

"but the dead horse has been beaten so many times it's practically a pulpy mess in the barn by now."




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@nepacaka yes but what if you don't get the first shot?

it is not a big deal. Mech can use different tactics, but they still have the same TTK. yes, infiltrator have more HP, but if both mechs recieve 200 dmg (heat+tow/gl), they stay a "oneshot", and next attack can kill both mech. i.e., any of these mechswho shoot first - potentially winner. (in theory, in ideal situations with perfect aim). so, in this situation win a pilot, who can evade one 200 dmg combo.

in real fight this never working, because your mech have a deflector (for example), i.e, if enemy shoot in you from tow, and you evade his rockets, he deal not 125 dmg, real dmg is 50-70, minus deflectors block. and you need more than 2-3 rockets to kill infiltrator.
with all of these factors, Infiltrator 15 HP Bonus have some weight in fight, and make infiltrator more stronger.

i believe scout is very weak now. most of time scout is good only because high ping. players with 20 ping and good aim can kill careless scouts in 2-3 sec.

Kompotka 3000. 2D ha?ken game: https://community.pl...ve/?hl=kompotka

Interceptor, B-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...itdefence-mech/

Challenger, C-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...ccepted-thread/

G2-Brawler, C-class mech concept: https://community.pl...pacaka-is-here/

Kinetik, B-class mech concept: https://community.pl...ass-shotgunner/

Melter, A-class mech concept: https://community.pl...-class-support/




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Improve Matchmaking
It's been discussed enough in the forums - team balancing is what needs improvement more urgently than anything cosmetic.
Reporting Feature
It should be possible to report players for abusive behaviour like spamming insults in the chat. If everybody on the server reports the same player for the same reason, that player should be kicked from the server.
Public Relations
Once there is a client-side addition or update available, Reloaded really needs to get that news out to the press. You hardly read anything about HAWKEN in the media anymore and this obscurity can't possibly be healthy. 
Version management
I'm not sure how many people share this but I usually avoid all software (videogames or otherwise) that is early access, beta, pre-release or anything along those lines. Reloaded needs to define which changes are necessary to move to higher version numbers and distance themselves from the beta status. 
New Game Mode : Modifier TDM
Same as Team Deathmatch, but with a modifier that gets changed either per match or during the matches. If during the matches, either in a specific interval or triggered by the players. Modifiers could include significantly increased damage for all weapons, significantly increased running speed for all mechs, radar out of function, universally hostile drones spawning across the map, shrunken mechs, disabled repair, forced third person view, players switching mechs for the duration, etc. The programming effort for this is reduced to changing existing parameters, only a small new mechanism needs to be created - might be easier to implement than something completely new. This mode also adds variety with a certain unpredictability.
New Spending Option : Garage Backgrounds
You do spend considerable time in the menu / garage, especially when queued, so the simple platform with the mechanics around gets stale quickly. I think many advanced players would spend MC and thus real money on different backgrounds for the garage / main menu as a cosmetic thing. It doesn't even have to be something completely new, just copy-paste small spaces from existing maps. Access to the fanciest looking ones might be limited to higher pilot levels. Reloaded says they're working on creating new maps, this might be a smaller-scale starting point that offers quick results and additional income.
New Map : Abandoned VR
The tutorial area was very sterile and turned me off a lot at the very beginning. If Reloaded eventually gets to creating a new map a "virtual" environment might be nice, but one that looks like it runs in a broken platform with lots of optical glitches. Benefits: You don't have to create very detailed realistic 3D models in favor of twisted low-poly objects, saving a lot of effort, and get to throw in some freaky-looking textures instead. It's very distinct and works with the premise of the post-catastrophic lore.
New Mechs : Cosmetics
Whatever new mechs come, it might make sense to use existing, non-standard body parts as their default chassis (e.g. cupcake and nief) - they're already there, save time and effort on making new models and utilize those instead.
New Spending Option : Custom Avatar
Allow the player to use a custom image as his profile picture for a bunch of MC.
Many former players are waiting for a client-side update + new content to return to the game (including me), so it might make sense to see what "quick wins" can be accomplished before turning to long-term tasks in regards to client-side aspects - that is, once Reloaded is confident that their backend is presentable and under control.



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So can i have my suggestion lists put in your op entirely?

Huge list for adjusting existing things (mainly balance):


Much shorter (currently, anyway) of suggestions for new things to put into the game:



Or are they too terrible for that (i might have to review my first (long) list sometime in the future).

Should i just post the "most important" points?



Ideas that are kind of way out there, but provide some insight into the creativity that could be implemented in Hawken.

I just so happen to have resumed work on the A-Class Support "Fairy" mech, that i need two more lefthanded (and kinda gimmicky and silly) weapons for (maybe one of those should be a normal, straightforward one instead?), and the wallcrawling "Slug" legtype. I think i have a decent idea on how it will work in terms of game mechanics (for one thing they are not nearly as mobile/fast on the wall or ceiling as any mech is on the ground. obviously we are gonna need invisible ceilings, too), but i still need to figure out how to make it work visually/animation-wise (like, how the transition between ground/wall or wall/ceiling is accomplished, and how the upper chassis with arms is handled during transition and while on the wall and ceiling, like should it be physically rotated or just the video feed/what the player sees?). A big hurdle for the slug legtype is whether they should be an alternative to the standard legs for ANY mech, or should there be a distinct "Slug Class" of mechs? As its own class i imagined B-Class weight and hitpoints with C-Class hitbox size (the slug legs are longer and wider, but maybe slightly lower, than the standard legs).

I probably post more about those in my "new ideas" thread once i developed those ideas further.

I have a lot of ideas and would like some feedback on them:

Suggestions for fixing things:


Suggestions for new things:




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Update shield. To contact when the two shields - both of shield were disabled.


http://www.hawken.ru- ???? ??????????? ?????????? ??????? (Website of the Russian community)

http://ru.hawken.wikia.com - ??????? ????????? ?? ???? (Russian Wikipedia HAWKEN)

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huh, why you need emp then? xD

Kompotka 3000. 2D ha?ken game: https://community.pl...ve/?hl=kompotka

Interceptor, B-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...itdefence-mech/

Challenger, C-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...ccepted-thread/

G2-Brawler, C-class mech concept: https://community.pl...pacaka-is-here/

Kinetik, B-class mech concept: https://community.pl...ass-shotgunner/

Melter, A-class mech concept: https://community.pl...-class-support/

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