I'm going to state the obvious: the reason he feels this way is most likely because he lives in Russia.
check yer privelage ****lord
I'm going to state the obvious: the reason he feels this way is most likely because he lives in Russia.
check yer privelage ****lord
EOC Raider, Bolt Pred, Rev Gl Gren, EOC Infil, All the Reapers, Father, Expert in Guitar Kung Fu, and Founder of TPG Hawken
You're more likely to find anti-homosexual views in the Southern United States and Russia than in Canada, for instance.
and actually forum is multi-national. this is why i think post something like this is a devs mistake/neglect.
Kompotka 3000. 2D ha?ken game: https://community.pl...ve/?hl=kompotka
Interceptor, B-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...itdefence-mech/
Challenger, C-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...ccepted-thread/
G2-Brawler, C-class mech concept: https://community.pl...pacaka-is-here/
Kinetik, B-class mech concept: https://community.pl...ass-shotgunner/
Melter, A-class mech concept: https://community.pl...-class-support/
I always get annoyed when developers ban "sensitive topics" from forum discussions. Perhaps they don't belong in "General Discussion," but topics like marriage, homosexuality, politics, religion, gender, sexism, cultural values, and the philosophy of science are important, and it is IMPORTANT TO DISCUSS THEM.
But Nept, you might whine, I come to gaming forums to discuss gaming, not subjects that might make me feel uncomfortable. Too bad, I say. Too many people avoid important discussions because they're afraid of being uncomfortable, and because they're afraid that their world views might be challenged. What better place to discuss those perspectives than a forum where participants have pre-existing relationships - friendships - with one another. Yeah, there might be some fireworks, and yeah, discussions might require some moderation for a time. But they'll sort themselves out, just as our general forums have sorted themselves out.
Edited by Nept, 27 June 2015 - 11:47 AM.
We have better things to talk about than this
So folks what about reducing that weapon raise delay
yea or nay
We have better things to talk about than this
So folks what about reducing that weapon raise delay
yea or nay
homosexuality, politics, religion, cultural values, and the philosophy of science are important, and it is IMPORTANT TO DISCUSS THEM.
for whom? for 14-15 years children who can read it?
i just want know when CapnJosh find a top-programmer. and where is my Gedes C-class mech.
Kompotka 3000. 2D ha?ken game: https://community.pl...ve/?hl=kompotka
Interceptor, B-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...itdefence-mech/
Challenger, C-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...ccepted-thread/
G2-Brawler, C-class mech concept: https://community.pl...pacaka-is-here/
Kinetik, B-class mech concept: https://community.pl...ass-shotgunner/
Melter, A-class mech concept: https://community.pl...-class-support/
While I think yesterday's SCOTUS ruling is a great thing, most Russians and other CIS people (and I'm talking about at least 95%) don't share my sentiment. Such are our cultures of bigotry and ignorance.
for whom? for 14-15 years children who can read it?
For everyone. And hey, if 14-15 year old "children" learn to think critically and confront uncomfortable topics through a gaming forum, so much the better.
While I think yesterday's SCOTUS ruling is a great thing, most Russians and other CIS people (and I'm talking about at least 95%) don't share my sentiment. Such are our cultures of bigotry and ignorance.
DerMax is right. at least i am in 95%. but i'm don't think that this is "bigotry and ignorance"...
For everyone. And hey, if 14-15 year old "children" learn to think critically and confront uncomfortable topics through a gaming forum, so much the better.
Despite which way you look.
Kompotka 3000. 2D ha?ken game: https://community.pl...ve/?hl=kompotka
Interceptor, B-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...itdefence-mech/
Challenger, C-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...ccepted-thread/
G2-Brawler, C-class mech concept: https://community.pl...pacaka-is-here/
Kinetik, B-class mech concept: https://community.pl...ass-shotgunner/
Melter, A-class mech concept: https://community.pl...-class-support/
You do realise that oppression of any kind is a form of abuse.
Whether it is done by a single person, a state or a religion.
The Atlas Of Illal https://community.pl...atlas-of-illal/
Illal Maps and Information https://community.pl...nd-information/
An Interview With Laila https://community.pl...iew-with-laila/
The Quarantine of Illal https://community.pl...ntine-of-illal/
You do realise that oppression of any kind is a form of abuse.
Whether it is done by a single person, a state or a religion.
or a self imposed forum mod deleting posts
EOC Raider, Bolt Pred, Rev Gl Gren, EOC Infil, All the Reapers, Father, Expert in Guitar Kung Fu, and Founder of TPG Hawken
While I think yesterday's SCOTUS ruling is a great thing, most Russians and other CIS people (and I'm talking about at least 95%) don't share my sentiment. Such are our cultures of bigotry and ignorance.
Edited by JeffMagnum, 27 June 2015 - 01:49 PM.
You do realise that oppression of any kind is a form of abuse.
A. Race, Ethnicity, Nationality, Life Choices, Religion, and Politics
- Anything that promotes, is recognized as, or alludes to symbols of racial, ethnic, national, life choice, religious, or political hatred or slurs.
- Anything related to politics.
- Anything related to religion.
Why do you think that your point of view is correct on 100%. You look at things only from your side. And, i'm actually too.
i'm a natural - it is my life choice.
i don't love Gs - it is my ethic.
Christian Orthodox don't love Gs - it is my country religion.
My country have a special laws about Gs propoganda for minors children...
so, this topic just offends me, my country, my religion, my thinking, and my life style. (ok, actually i'm atheist, but it is not a big deal. 4 points from 5)
how about this? it is official forum rules...
just because he's from a culture typically against homosexuality.
i'm not against Gs. (or i can don't love it, but i'm not doing something violate the law against they)
I'm Against Gs Propaganda among children (in any of its manifestations). it have a difference, if you don't understand it, i can explain it for you.
You can do as you want, i don't care... but do not flaunt about your sexual activity. these forum don't have a age limit.
Edited by nepacaka, 27 June 2015 - 01:13 PM.
Kompotka 3000. 2D ha?ken game: https://community.pl...ve/?hl=kompotka
Interceptor, B-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...itdefence-mech/
Challenger, C-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...ccepted-thread/
G2-Brawler, C-class mech concept: https://community.pl...pacaka-is-here/
Kinetik, B-class mech concept: https://community.pl...ass-shotgunner/
Melter, A-class mech concept: https://community.pl...-class-support/
You can do as you want, i don't care... but do not flaunt about your sexual activity. these forum don't have a age limit.
No one is flaunting sexual activity. It's not our problem that you can't think of two people that love each other without thinking about what's under their clothes.
><(((((°> - - - - - - - - - - - ><((°> ><((°> ><((°>
HAWKEN ---> hawken ---> hawken ---> RIP 2017
Hawken gameplay and funky fragmontages: Hawken playlist
I'm Against Gs Propaganda among children (in any of its manifestations). it have a difference, if you don't understand it, i can explain it for you.
I'm curious to know the difference.
No one is flaunting sexual activity.
Ok. but as i tell before, It was not a good idea on the part of developers.
ticklemyiguana, did you follow the events in Steam? i did.
It is funny to see how many people starting offensive each other and Reloaded team. And then their post will be deleted (cuz it offensive).
maybe, in next time just no need to post some provocative topics?
not only I have the same point of view. Devs should be understood it, before they printing topic like this. This could be bad for the reputation. It's not only about me. What do you think about this?
Kompotka 3000. 2D ha?ken game: https://community.pl...ve/?hl=kompotka
Interceptor, B-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...itdefence-mech/
Challenger, C-Class mech concept: https://community.pl...ccepted-thread/
G2-Brawler, C-class mech concept: https://community.pl...pacaka-is-here/
Kinetik, B-class mech concept: https://community.pl...ass-shotgunner/
Melter, A-class mech concept: https://community.pl...-class-support/
Yesterday's court ruling was not a big victory for gay sex. Gay sex could happen before the ruling because state bans against gay marriage didn't have any affect on what unmarried gay couples could do under the covers. Yesterday's court ruling was a big victory for extending legal rights to gay couples. I'm glad Reloaded is celebrating the extension of equal rights for homosexual and heterosexual couples, even if others see this as something it's not.
ticklemyiguana, did you follow the events in Steam? i did.
It is funny to see how many people starting offensive each other and Reloaded team. And then their post will be deleted (cuz it offensive).
maybe, in next time just no need to post some provocative topics?
not only I have the same point of view. Devs should be understood it, before they printing topic like this. This could be bad for the reputation. It's not only about me. What do you think about this?
I think that the United States is the world's premier economic superpower and that the majority of Americans and the populations of associate nations believe in marriage equality, and as such, celebrating such an occasion as has recently occurred is a very solid business maneuver.
I don't think they should be imposing the binary political choice of the forum badges on their users, but as far as business is concerned, I'm thrilled that they publicly support the decision, both as an LGBTQ supporter and as a rabid fan of Hawken.
Yesterday's court ruling was not a big victory for gay sex. Gay sex could happen before the ruling because state bans against gay marriage didn't have any affect on what unmarried gay couples could do under the covers. Yesterday's court ruling was a big victory for extending legal rights to gay couples. I'm glad Reloaded is celebrating the extension of equal rights for homosexual and heterosexual couples, even if others see this as something it's not.
Brackets, let me congratulate you on the most context aware, succinct, and overall best piece of writing I've seen in weeks.
Edited by ticklemyiguana, 27 June 2015 - 01:39 PM.
It would've been nice, though, had more companies made more of an effort BEFORE the ruling. My cynical self sees most of these company efforts as marketing ploys following the "gentle curves of societal norms" and majority opinion. Kinda like SCOTUS itself.
Edited by Nept, 27 June 2015 - 01:38 PM.
Oh the tax law that will need to be prepared.It is a great victory for consenting adults to be able to contractually fortify their living situations and involve the State into their personal lives to help them feel like their relationships are now as valid as the next person.
But where's the social justice warrior-ing for polygamists?
Where are the cries for their equal right to marry?
Is that too non-conventional to extend civil rights to?
Do they not count as people deserving of the dignity of equality?
Bummer that today was catastrophic in our country.
Knight of the Holy Tree
United in Diversity, Divided by Zero
predators gonna predate
Bummer that today was catastrophic in our country.
I didn't see this. This is unfortunate, and I hope you're as isolated from the attacks as possible.
I'm all for equality but marriage is ridiculous as a convention.
Completely steeped in antiquated patriarchy, religiosity, and the preservation of the establishment.
But it's good to know that at least someone else here on the hawken forums is ok with people using craigslist for prostitution arrangements, or fee-based amputation cannibalism through written contracts between consenting adults.
Most people might think we are weird for feeling that way, Tickle.
How can I not love this post
Just like same-sex marriage, we should fight for equal pay for same-sex porn, because people would insist they're both regarded as human rights, yes? Not yet. Give it time, just like everything else that has a means that of which can be manipulated and bent to work for a group of people, and allow it to become the norm.
Being with someone for the rest of your life seems more like a human right than a ceremony for said event that is religion-based(which is what this thread is based on - a privilege), but look at the special treatment it gets.
Anybody with a brain knows what's going on, so there's nothing worth arguing here until something i don't agree with is forcefully imposed on my way of life; give it time.
I'm not gay, and I'm pro-choice.
Oh the tax law that will need to be prepared.
In all seriousness, my sense of ethics is that any combination of consenting adults should be able to engage in the same legally binding contracts that others do.
+1...my quota ran out.
With all the posts flooding in on this topic we now have a sense of who is for or against the new ruling on gay marriage (though some on both side of the equation did a bit of opinion tap-dancing) and whether or not this topic should have been posted in the forums and the devs giving people the ability to display that support if they so desire.
I personally find nothing wrong with the badges and colors & such..I support that 100%.
We all are entitled to our opinions on this matter but....I don't believe that gives anyone the power to deny adults whom they choose to be with in a (now nationwide legal) marital relationship.
I believe this has been the single biggest civil rights decision of the 21st century since the days of MLK fighting for the equality of race in this country. And it's been long over due.
Can't wait to get my badge. Props to Reloaded
I'm still amazed at how some people consider gay rights as "propaganda" or "offensive" to their beliefs/religion/country. If equality is offensive to you or propaganda then you'll probably benefit at looking at it from the other angle; your beliefs are the ones that are oppressive. On what basis could you justify limiting someone's rights based on something they have no control over? How fuzzy bunnyng daft do you have to be to want human beings excluded from things everybody else has access too because it hurts your middle-age feefees?
The irony being that for people who are so afraid of gays, obsessing over what grown men do with their genitals is incredibly gay.
because it hurts your feefees?
this is social "justice" cultists in a nutshell.
I have a lot of ideas and would like some feedback on them:
Suggestions for fixing things:
Suggestions for new things:
Jeff.....I think, though he just singled is post out referring just about gay men, he did mean it to be all inclusive ?
Edited by DieselCat, 27 June 2015 - 02:56 PM.
What are you getting at? And how does the last line relate to the rest of your post?
In general, people want to take the path of least resistance to get what they want. The last line is my stance, and for the folks who lack discernment and typically mislabel others of being homophobes.
Edited by XPloyt, 27 June 2015 - 02:56 PM.
In less than a day...172 replies and climbing.
nepa love chicks. than more g?ys in the world, than more free chicks nepa have :D
That's the spirit.
The general perception of homosexuality is that while it grants easier access and more difficult access to certain cultures, and as such can affect a person's outlook on both themselves and the world (as can anything), it has absolutely no bearing on anything other than that person's choice of partner.
There are masculine as hell dudes who will identify as gay, and there are straight men who most people would consider gay beyond a doubt, and there's everyone in between. No black and white.
In less than a day...172 replies and climbing.
You have no idea, I wager around half of this thread has been deleted.
Tiggs has had to constantly prune this tree to keep it alive.
There is enough wood on the ground at this point to have built a wedding hall and get gay-married in it.
EOC Raider, Bolt Pred, Rev Gl Gren, EOC Infil, All the Reapers, Father, Expert in Guitar Kung Fu, and Founder of TPG Hawken
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